Page 37 of The Orc Queen

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“Faz is an imbecile. Don’t mind much of what he says. He slammed his head in a rock when he was little.” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

It works, she laughs.

Chapter thirteen



Igorhelpsmeinthe ensemble I got from Mulan and Hani. It is mostly beaded clothes with a skirt that is shorter than anything I’ve ever worn in public. Apparently, if I need to belong, I need to start dressing like I am one of them too.

“Are you sure you are comfortable with this?” Igor asks from his knees. He is tying the belt below my stomach.

“It’s just a body, right?” Lucky for me I don’t have marks in visible places and the one behind my neck I covered with my hair. So, I can wear this short thing.

“You don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, Aria.”

“I appreciate your words, but I want to. I want to try to blend in and learn your culture.” I say. “Others will accept me easier if I try, Igor.” I hold on to his shoulder as he helps me in the sandals.

“Okay. But promise me you will tell me if you are uncomfortable with anything?”

I run my fingers through his untied hair and link my forehead to his. “I will. Now, let’s go get married, orc. I am weary of being unclaimed.” I tease.

“Aria, I was claiming you just this past hour.” He says with his own tease.

I snort as I laugh.

The sun is already down, and we are now waiting for someone to fetch us when everything is ready. I am fortunate there aren’t any pre-vow rituals or traditions like in my culture. Me and Igor didn’t have to stay away from each other.

Hani is sent to fetch us. I notice she and Igor don’t have the best energy around one another. I haven’t found the time to ask what that is all about. Igor hasn’t said anything on it and neither has Hani. But I know Igor does not like Bonos. He despises them, in fact. But I am finding a friend in Hani, and he needs to bury that. If not for his personal peace, then for me.

Igor ushers me by his hand and we follow Hani who has a headpiece covering her face. I only know it’s her because she is green. When we get to the assembly, it is beautiful with many lamps along the perimeter of the area. Everybody is seated on furs, on the ground, and everybody has their faces covered.

Me and Igor walk to the front where Soni stands face uncovered. Igor’s mother and Gremlo also sit on either side in front in their royal garb, complete with all the skin and the crowns made of bones. The moon is already out shining brightly. Me and Igor stand in front.

“Igor, son of Zad, you brought a mate with you. Present her to the horde. State your intentions.” Soni says.

“This is Aria, daughter of Nathaniel of the Gango kingdom. I present her as my mate. I am here so she is severed to her previous mate and becomes mine in all realms. In high heaven and in the lowest purgatory.” He says, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Aria, daughter of Nathaniel, do you accept Igor, son of Zad as your mate, and sever yourself from any previous connections in front of the Gods of all creation?”

“Yes, I do.” I answer.

“Good.” She says. “The symbols.” She calls to someone behind me, and Hani comes forward with two items, a bracelet and a dagger. Odd, but I say nothing. Igor hasn’t told me what we will actually do or why we need daggers. She hands them to Soni.

“Your marks for each other. Son of Zad, you will go first.” She gives Igor the pieces. Igor slides it into my hand. It feels like I can finally breathe. I know I left Shepherd long ago but being still married to him in my world felt heavy and I never quite felt like I had gotten rid of him. But now I will really belong to Igor.

“Repeat after me: I choose you amongst many.” Igor follows, his eyes steady on mine and filled with so much pride. Our children kick and I blink as fresh tears threaten to spill but I hold them back. “I give you my name. I give you my vow. I give you my strength.” He repeats, “This is the symbol of my commitment to you. Today you leave your mother and your father, and you become mine. Death to anyone who tells me otherwise.” I almost laugh. So orcish of them to include something about death.

“Aria, it’s your turn. Take the dagger.” She hands it to me. I hesitate for a second before I look up at Igor a little worried. Do they expect me to stab Igor to show that I love him?

Igor doesn’t seem worried at all, in fact, his face is full of anticipation. She comes closer and demonstrates with her hands. “You will mark him here, then repeat these words after me,” she says.

I nod because it seems this is what everybody expects, and I try to not show I am a little worried about cutting Igor. I inhale a deep breath and Igor nods lightly, giving me courage. The dagger is quite sharp because when I press it, it goes deeper than I think.

I almost gasp but Igor just smiles. I cut him again, two lines crossing each other. His blood slides out of him and to the ground. My heart sinks for him.

“Cover his wound with this and repeat after me as you do.” She comes closer with a mixture of green herbs.

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