Page 31 of The Orc Queen

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Chapter eleven



“Theylivedeepinthe Jaji forest, have dark grey skin, are smaller than us but they are faster. They started killing and taking a few of the Bonos and some of ours who ventured far for hunts. We still don’t understand much about them, and they only show up after a few months. As a result, we made an alliance with the Bono. And we have a perimeter secured next to the great river together with the Bono.” Gremlo explains.

“There are others?” Igor asks the very question I have.

“It seems so, and they aren’t friendlies. They don’t speak our language, and they don’t share our values.” Gremlo says.

“The Bono boy, is he yours, uncle?” Igor asks.

“Yes, he is. His name is Taja and he is a spring. Hani is his mother.” He gestures his hand to Hani. “She is my third wife.”

Gremlo has three wives? Wow.

Hani and Gremlo. Not to judge but I just imagine them kissing. Hani is poised and regal and glamorous – even for an orc – and Gremlo is – as best as I can describe it – a brute, even for an orc. Rough in many places.

“What happened to Maja?” Igor asks and I see a few people tense.

“Sickness a few years after you left, and she didn’t make it.” Gremlo says. Evident that this is still difficult for him. None of his wives look like they care that he still has feelings for his dead wife. It makes me remember what Igor used to tell me about female orcs not being clingy to their males and only meeting in mating. I wonder if that’s what is happening here.

“She was a strong female. My family and I send you our condolences, uncle.” Igor says.

“The past.” Gremlo says.

“So, son, tell us about your mate.” Igor’s mother says.

“Her name is Aria. She is a former queen of the Gango kingdom where I settled for the past century. We met over nine months ago, and she is my chosen and we are expecting our first children, twins.” He says, notes of pride very evident in his words, his chest puffing as proof.

“How did you end up with a Queen, Imp?” Todo asks.

Igor stiffens next to me. Everyone’s eyes fall on me, and I turn to Igor.

“That is a long tale, and not one I am interested in retelling,” Igor says in an authoritative and hard tone, encouraging no more questions. There is silence for a few moments.

Hani licks her tusks, her eyes trained on me, and I know she will pry when we are alone.

“Welcome to the family, Aria.” Igor’s mother says. “We will do the vow ceremony together with the welcoming tonight. Mulan will assist you with anything you might need to get ready. And with regards to Igor’s old dwelling, Mulan will assist as well but you can take any of the young females too to help. It has been vacant for a century, but many hands will help.”

“Thank you,” I respond, grateful. I just hope this getting ready doesn’t mean learning to dance. I am still not dancing in front of everyone. But I am glad things seem to be getting easier. At least, I hope.

After a few seconds, Igor speaks. “Tell me, now that I am back and you all have decided to strip me of my birthright, what happens now uncle?” Igor asks.

“The resistance at the border needs strong captains. I think you will be impactful there.” Gremlo says.

I stay stuck in the same place, afraid to even breathe. Captain at the border? Where the Soko tribe attacks? Do they hate Igor that much? What if something happens and he doesn’t return?

“Of course, uncle,” Igor answers after a moment. I want to turn to him to ask what is he thinking. I am due in two months. And he is leaving. I feel betrayed. We are supposed to be doing this last stretch together.

But I know better than to disagree with him in public. I need to talk to him. Zod smirks my way with his dagger in his hands – that he keeps playing with – like he can see my conflict.

Gremlo has his eye intent on Igor next to me while the other eyes are on me, waiting for my reaction. I see it then; they are waiting for me to disagree with him publicly. It’s all a game. To see what the weak human will say.

They know I am his weakness, and they think I also make him weak.

Igor is right; we are fighting here.

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