Page 2 of The Orc Queen

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“Are those his offspring?” Mulan asks.

“Yes.” I answer, trying to focus only on her. Being on my feet makes me even more nervous. I am the shortest one here, only taller than the children. I don’t know what I expected I’d find in Igor’s realm, but it wasn’t glares, growls, and a million doubts.

“Come then, you will wait in the office for the Queen. She has gone to the hunt with the springs.” Mulan starts walking but I don’t miss the glare from Azula as I turn, and the other orcs part for us. I am only too happy to be leaving the stares and the naked bodies.

“What are springs?” I ask when we approach a large oval-shaped opening. I remember Igor telling me about it. I never imagined much of it, but I couldn’t imagine it would be this big and so…real.

I see a long corridor before us lit by lamps as far as the eye can see. And I also see various openings on either side of the long corridor. My interest is piqued. But there is a stiff energy I feel about it, but that may be the fact that I'm in a whole different realm.

“Springs are young male orcs. Too young for battle but not younglings anymore. The Queen guides and oversees their first hunt.” Mulan walks ahead of me and turns to face me. “Three days ago was their first hunt, but they return today.”

I only nod at her, trying to be nice and not too mouthy in case it’s rude in their culture. But I wonder how the rest of the orcs will greet me. Will they be more like Mulan or Azula?

I’m grateful we speak the same language. I never asked Igor if orcs speak my kingdoms language or if they had their own.

My eyes wonder to the entrances we pass along the way. But it seems those entrances are more long corridors and I have no way of seeing what’s inside them. The flooring seems to be layered with something that makes it smooth, not concrete, but not tiles either.

On the fourth entrance on the left, Mulan gestures me in and I enter. It’s another corridor with doors on either side. She gestures me to the first door on the right, and I am a little disappointed I didn’t see all the doors.

Just like the other corridors, the space is lit orange with a handful of lamps. I guess without any windows, they need all the lamps they can get. I wonder if they are oil heated and where they get the oil. I am too curious about everything and can’t wait to get comfortable enough to ask questions.

The room I am in is spacious and it seems to be a cabinet of some kind. It has a large desk that takes a lot of the space and a large chair with bones on the back and head rest behind it. The other seating seems to be carved from the stone of the mountain with padding on top.

This seating almost goes around the office. Various items hang all over the room. A few animal – at least I hope they are animal – skulls and bones and paintings that look like they are made from animal – again, I hope they are animal – skin. No flowers or…softness.

There is a faint smell that permeates the air too. It’s a mix of fresh meat, dry clay and something spicy.


“Have a seat anywhere. Well, anywhere but that chair.” Mulan points to the big chair behind the desk, giggling sheepishly.

I smile at her. “That looks like it sits someone important. I wouldn’t dare.” I say, hoping my humor translates.

The room falls in silence as I take a seat next to the door. I know it will be impossible for me to run anywhere if this doesn’t go well, but still.

Mulan looks around a little nervously and she licks her tusks. The movement reminds me of Igor. Igor licks his tusks a lot when he’s contemplating something.

“I caught all of you off guard, didn’t I?” I start the conversation.

She laughs nervously and scratches the bald side of her head.

“We were sunbathing before the men came back.” She says.

“Sunbathing?” I ask because I’m not sure what that is.

“Yes, it’s the first week of summer and we have missed it after a strong winter.”

I nod like I understand, or I experienced what she did.

“So, everyone here is always naked or that’s just on sunbathing days?” I ask, my curiosity is beyond me. And in a way I need to know. I need to know if I will also be required for this sunbathing.

In my realm, bodies are very sacred to a person and their partner, and we don’t show our nakedness just to everyone. I could be okay with being naked in front of the women, but I don’t know if I can parade around naked in front of everyone in this tribe.

Mulan cackles. “Would it terrify you if I told you we are always naked?”


“Uh…” I don’t have an answer I don’t think will be unoffending.

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