Page 103 of The Orc Queen

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I sense the tension between the two orc tribes towards the Sokos. It is truly dangerous that they are here. As I wonder how they are so calm; I notice the Bono and Modo orcs sitting amongst the dragons.

The dragons are just watching, quiet, eyes vigilant, clearly waiting for anything to happen. Maybe these fire breathing beasts have a job after all. If they can keep these orcs from fighting each other before Igor has a chance to fight for all of them, they will be good in my books.

The heaviness of this day resonates with me the closer we get to the arena. I clutch our horn tighter in my hand. The tradition says that if the challenger doesn’t succeed, he forfeits his position in the tribe and is at the mercy of the winner. The horn represents much in orc culture. It is everything an orc is.

I can sense the scoff some of Igor’s people afford to him. It is the first time I am facing it in this kind of war zone setting and it doesn’t make me less anxious.

When our dragons finally arrive on the ground, Igor helps me off and the dragons head to their section. The noise has not gone down, but we are the latest distraction as all eyes fall on us.

I give Igor a small nod, I don’t smile because I don’t know what these creatures consider weak or strong and right now this is about Igor. He nods back. Then he looks over my head and frowns.

I hear a scream behind me. Then I hear gasps and murmurs. Igor places his hand on my shoulder protectively. I turn slowly, feeling heavy. They are whispering to each other. I feel everyone in the arena turn to me when they start pointing.

“I knew it was true! I knew it!” A female Soko orc jumps from the crowd and she sprints towards me and Igor. A look of elation in her features.

Owa is not far from me and I look at her. But her gaze is with the Sokos. All the Sokos rise as if they are all of one mind.

The Soko throws herself on the hard ground and bows to…me.

She is crying as she blubbers on in a language I don’t understand. That language Owa uses at times.

That alarms everyone and I feel everyone getting up as if they want to see what is going on and no one can see what the Sokos are seeing.

But it feels like my world is going even slower when the Soko orcs all kneel in unison.

One of the orcs, the one who looks oldest, she is bent on a walking stick, rises amongst them. She looks like she will fall over any moment and her skin is barely hanging on to her bones. She is adorned in what looks like traditional attire. A long black skirt and a blanket covering her shoulders and most of her body. It is simply too hot for such an attire. But I know who it is without confirmation.


When her eyes land on me, the walking stick abandons her and she falls on her knees.

“Ah!” she bellows.

I look at Owa. And her gaze is on me too. She nods as if I should understand everything. Then she kneels, joining the first female.

But my feet don't move.

The female orc who hasn’t stopped crying finally speaks, and she speaks words that turn my whole life on its head.

“The Queen is here.”

Chapter thirty-nine

Queen Aria


Theleadersofthethree tribes of orc stand opposite me on the other side of the drawn line. Gremlo, Langa and Aria.

Her thumb running over The Ring she has just been handed. It is too big not to notice and it sparkles with a ruby gem. I hear the snickers and the jokes of everyone who knows I won’t beat my own mate.

But I can’t deny it feels preposterous that Imust. She might just be the new Okrar in that case. The thought bringing a wave of happy humor to me. But I don’t express anything outwardly.

Hettar is circling us rallying the crowd with his war cries. The spectators – mostly Bonos and Modos – erupting in roars and stomps, making the whole place shake under my feet. The dragons are keeping a watchful eye to make sure they will be aligned with the victor who will take the day.

And in all that my soul is calm. I am anxious about it but I am rested too. I know it is either I walk out of here victorious or I don’t walk out at all. And no one is taking my horn away from Aria. At the end of it all, that is what I am fighting for. Gremlo and Langa are fearsome warriors but I simply cannot lose. It is not an option for me. Too much is at risk.

Leaving Valeria and Gordian fatherless? I don’t think so.

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