Page 49 of Flame

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She wipes the tears that have fallen before she rasps, "This is amazing," and I grin as I walk over to her, taking my family into my arms while Bones grins as she lays her head on my chest, her eyes going around her art gallery.

About an hour later, Theo's with my very happy mother. Star is in the basement at home, in her art studio, where she's hopefully painting, and myself and my dad are in church. We're going over the businesses; mine and Buzz's construction are last.

"Flame, how's the garage?"

I give him a nod. "Extremely busy. Cal has become an amazing mechanic and has requested to stay on even if he doesn't make it as a brother."

The brothers chuckle because he's already been voted in; his cut should arrive in the next few days, and then there will be a celebration. Axel looks at Slicer. "And the construction company?"

Slicer nods. "Buzz passed over the paperwork to me this morning, and it all looks really good. Business is up by 35% this month despite being new."

The brothers bang on the table before Axel looks at a depressed-looking Hawk, and I wince.

Yeah, been there, still doing that.

"How's Daisy Hawk?"

He shrugs, "still unwilling to give us a second chance."

I tilt my head. "You giving up?"

He smirks, "Fuck no, the buy went through; we're now the proud owners of Daisy's and Rose's flower shop. It turns out her dad wants her happy, and he seems to think it's me, especially after our heart-to-heart about his eldest."

The brothers chuckle, and I grin wide. "She's going to be pissed," I warn, and he nods before we hear a bang and the church door slams open. A very pissed-off Daisy stands in the doorway with a worried prospect standing behind her.

Her green eyes are glaring at Hawk, who leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest as she points at him and says, "You!"

Oh boy, she's definitely pissed.

"Yeah, Diamond."

Her nose flares as she shouts, "I AM NOT YOUR DIAMOND. I STOPPED BEING YOUR DIAMOND WHEN YOU TURNED INTO A JACKASS!" The brothers try to hold in their chuckles while Hawk shrugs, "Still my diamond."

She growls; little Daisy Maisy growls.

"If you think you can try and manipulate me into spending time with you because you bought my shop, then you have another thing coming. I'll just find another building to rent."

Hawk shrugs again. "Then I'll just buy that shop. I'm sure the club can come up with different businesses; I mean, we haven't got diner yet." The brothers nod because to be honest, that sounds like a good idea. Slicer looks down at the books, and you can see he's looking into it making me grin.

"What is the point in all this? Hawk, we're over; move on!"

I wince. Uh, oh, wrong thing to say.

The brothers all scoot back in their chairs, ready for a blowout as Hawk slams both his hands on the table while standing up and knocking his chair over, but Daisy isn't backing down as she glares at him, not liking the finger he points at her.

"I'm your Leo, and you fucking know it, and we're not over; we just had some miscommunications."

He freezes, realizing his words, and silently curses himself because, yep, he just fucked. I look towards Daisy, whose face has gone red, but her voice comes out deadly calm, and I scoot my chair back along with the brothers as Hawk's mouths, "Assholes," to us, making us smirk.

"Miscommunication? Miscommunication when someone forces themselves on me and you automatically think bad of me despite knowing I gave you my virginity, even though you basically kept us a secret for months." Oh shit, Hawk visibly gulps, "You told me that my sister was a better fuck and wished it was her stillalive instead of me," the brothers wince while Hawk flinches, "and when I came to the clubhouse to try and sort things out with you when let's face it, HAWK," he growls, "you didn't deserve that because of your hateful words, I find you in bed with not one but TWO women."

He butts in while we brothers look at them like a ping pong ball. "I told you nothing happened," she sneers. "AND YET YOU PURPOSLY LEAD ME TO BELIEVE SOMETHING DID." He flinches again before she points at him. "You can buy all the buildings you want, but you and I are done; we were done seven months ago when you thought I was capable of cheating. Stay away from me," then she looks at Axel, ignoring a red-faced Hawk who can't seem to understand why she won't just talk. I mean, fuck, I slept with Star's sister not once but twice, and she's willing to try, so why can't Daisy, who's just as sweet as my woman, unless something happened that none of us, including Hawk, knew about? You'd be stupid not to open a diner; the town would love it, especially if it sold Annie's baked goodies."

Axel nods his eyes wide before she sneers at Hawk again, then turns around, storming out of church with Hawk muttering 'fuck' before sitting down with his head in his hands.

"Brother?" I question. I need to know he's okay.

He shakes his head. "You brothers have all done several things fucking more worse than me, so why in the fuck won't she hear me out and try?"

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