Page 13 of Flame

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I sniffle.

How can a mother blame her daughter for ten years like this? I was ten years old, and it wasn't my fault; even if my father had been killed, it still wouldn't have been my fault. No, it's the club's fault for getting involved with bad people in the first place and upsetting them.

The club ruins everything.

Flame ruins everything.

And now they're all going to realize exactly how good I am with computers; I'm going to make myself disappear, but not before giving Flame a screw you first. Let's see how he feels having his heart torn out day after day.

Chapter 7

Flame – Age 28

I stretch my arms above my head before shutting my computer down. I've been working on the next run in a week's time. A thunderstorm is due around that time, so I've booked the cozy inn again while also looking into some new roots to take to keep the cops off our backs. The Sheriff may be Daggers and Ink's uncle but we don’t need to make his job any more complicated, do we?

I check my phone and frown.Still nothing from Star. She's barely said two words to me since our friend's date when I stupidly left her for Ginger half an hour in, although I guess I should feel grateful that she's just ghosting me and didn't destroy my paintwork again that I had to go over myself when she refused a few years back after I drunkenly and mistakenly fucked her sister. Again.Fuck, I couldn't even be pissed at it when I noticed it after bumping into Star on the streets.

How in the fuck didn't I notice it beforehand I'll never fucking know.

I sigh. I know it was a fucked-up thing to leave her at the bar two weeks ago, but I could feel myself wanting to hold her and comfort her in a non-friendly way. Her pain was killing me, and I promised myself—I promised her that I wouldn't keep her in this lifestyle—but the more I've taken time these past two weekssince our friend's date, the more I've realized that I should have fucking realized sooner;

She stayed.

She never left like I thought she would; she's put down some roots here, selling her paintings. I'm not good enough for her, and I know that; fuck do I know that, but I also don't think I can hold back any longer; I don't think I can hold the love that I have for her away from her anymore. I miss her so fucking much, and I need her like I need air to breathe. If she'd gone, left Parkerville, then fair enough, I knew I made the right decision to keep pushing her away, but she didn't, just like I haven't seen her with anyone else either. Now don't get me wrong, I know she's not a virgin; she can't be, and that fucking pisses me off, but I'm also not a fucking hypocrite, and knowing someone else touched her is just something I'd just have to live with for the rest of my life.

But one thing is for sure: she's mine; she always has been, and I think it's about time I manned the fuck up and claimed my girl on my fucking hands and knees before someone takes her from me.

I get up and grab my cut from the back of my chair, putting it on before heading to the common room, hoping Star is here. Today would have been her father's 46thbirthday, and usually she comes to celebrate his life with the brothers. Normally, she'd call me to ask me to pick her up, but like I mentioned, she's ignored me for the past two weeks.

I shouldn't have left her on our first friend's date in two years; I should have fucking manned up to my feelings and taken what I really wanted then and there: my fucking girl's heart.

I have a lot of shit to grovel for. Maybe I can buy her a puppy like Axel did for Annalise. I mean, Star did try to dognap it and would have done it if I hadn't lifted her away.

Sighing again I lock my door before following the music of ACDC, where I find the old ladies dancing with their old men while the sweet butts try it on with any brother willing to fuck, which they won't do until after ten tonight per club rules; no one wants the original first lady, Axel's momma, after them. I look around the room, searching for my girl, ignoring Ginger, who's glaring at me, still pissed.

When I left the bar with her, I literally got a lift back to the clubhouse, and instead of going to her room, I went to the home that I built on the club's land. My light and dark brown country-style two-story house that Star helped me design when I turned eighteen is situated next to Slicer's light gray two-story cottage-style house; Gunner's is next to his, while Hawks is next to mine on the end. My home is the one place no woman has ever stayed, including Star. I couldn't have her staying with me knowing my feelings; I'd never want her to fucking leave, but alas, Ginger's pissed I didn't fuck her, and I don't give two fucking shits.

I continue looking around the room when I catch Stars' dark blonde hair that's hanging loose down her back at the bar. She's in a t-shirt dress and her cowgirl boots, her head down, looking at her now empty glass, her hand going to the whiskey bottle in front of her.


She's never believed her dad was killed. She swore she heard him scream her name after she landed on the concrete, and my dad and I have both tried to search every crack, but nothing has come up—absolutely nothing. But she hasn't stopped believing, and I know she doesn't know it, but I also know she hasn't given up searching for him.

The problem is, though, that we don't even know who ordered the hit or why. Snake, The Devil's President, is still trying to findanswers to this day, especially considering it nearly brought a war between the two clubs.

Sighing, I start to walk over to her when my mother, whom I love dearly, steps in my way, and my father is quick behind her. She crosses her arms over her chest, narrowing her brown eyes at me, trying to intimidate me like I'm not 9 inches taller than her.

I bite back my smirk. "Yes, momma?"

She huffs, "Don't yes, momma me." My dad snorts but covers it with a cough. He may be the man of the house, so to speak, but he's still shit scared of my momma; her bite is as bad as a venomous snake. Where everyone calls Axel's momma Cammy a bulldog due to her temper, they call my momma venom because her bites are poisonous.

"Leave her alone!"

I raise a brow at her while my father tenses. My parents never get in between myself and Star; they know not to. So this is a fucking shock. I tilt my head at her, and she swallows hard, probably wondering if she made the right decision by confronting me right now.

"Look, I know you love her... you’re in love with her," she pauses, expecting me to deny it as I have for years, but I keep my cold stare on her while my father stands back, ready to intervene if he has to, knowing Star is a touchy subject. "But you don't want her, you..."

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