Page 59 of Slicer

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His breathing picks up as Ink and Bomber grab a hold of him, and I smirk an evil smirk.

"Are you ready for your punishment, fucker?"

He instantly starts to scream, but Dagger walks over to him, gagging him as I slowly take myself over to him, ready to dish out some of this rage.

Chapter 25


I blink.

How did I get to the clubhouse? Where's Lilah?

“I-I want m-my momma."

She's crying; she needs me, but my body doesn't want to work.

I blink again.

"Meghan baby?"


He sounds worried.

I want to touch him to look into his beautiful hazel eyes, but I can't; I can't speak; I can't move.

I killed a man.

His lifeless brown eyes flashed over and over in my mind, staring at me.

He deserved it; I know this; everyone knows this; he wanted my daughter, my four-year-old daughter.

I killed a man.

I took his life.

"Doc, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her? It's been nine hours, and she hasn't fucking spoken or even moved!"

Noah sounds pissed. Where am I? I don't recognize the room.

I want to speak up and ask, but I can't.

I killed a man.

"She's in a shocked state, Slicer. Her body has shut down through the trauma of taking a life; she just needs time."

I hear Noah sigh.

I can feel him press his nose into my hair, but I can't make myself move.

I killed someone.

"I love you, momma."

My girl, my angel

I blink my eyes. I don't see Lilah, though; I see Abram. He's looking at me, blood dripping from his head, his cold eyes piercing through me as he smirks at me. Does his hand have something in it—a gun?

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