Page 30 of Slicer

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Lilah butts in and points at her mother, “No-no word, momma," making everyone laugh again, and Meghangrins before looking back at Mel as my eyes soften at the mother and daughter bond.

Fuck, she's a good mother.

"When she told me about a biker who won't leave her alone, is continuously showing up where she is, and is basically stalking her,"

Dagger butts in this time, and I grin, "Hey, I was not stalking her."

Meghan just raises a brow at him and says, "You were definitely stalking her. Your brothers know it, Mel knows it, and you know it." The brothers all shout in agreement, making Mel laugh with tears in her eyes while Meghan continues. "Anyway, while he was basically stalking her, which he was," she gave him a pointed look, making him grin. "I told her, like any friend would, to just give the damn man a chance."

Everyone laughs harder, and I grin wider. Most friends would tell them to get a restraining order, and she knows it.

Meghan's eyes soften as she looks at the couple. "I saw the infatuation and love pouring from Dagger, and I knew, I knew he would become her everything and her his; I knew they had a forever love, a love everyone dreams of having, and I was right, I was so right because they are perfect for each other." Mel's tears fall as she smiles wide at her friend, and my heart pounds because that's the love we have; even after one night, I felt it. "So I would like everyone to raise their glasses." We all do as we're told, and we all grin seeing Lilah lift her chocolate milk as Meghan runs her fingers lovingly through our daughter's hair.

Fuck, did she get anything from her mother? That girl is all me.

"Here is to the bride and groom. A bride who saved my life for my daughter, her niece, and a groom who has proved his love over and over again. To the perfect couple, a couple in love and proving it's possible, to Melanie and Dagger."

Everyone smiles, and the women have tears in their eyes as we all say, "TO MELANIE AND DAGGER," and we take a sip before the happy couple get up and hug Melanie. Lilah then proceeds to get in between them, hugging her momma and making everyone laugh again except for my mother, who looks ready to explode.


I'm brought out of my memories when my phone rings and a tear falls on the screen where Dagger's name is flashing.

I pick up the phone and answer it while sniffling.

"Shouldn't you be enjoying your honeymoon right about now, brother?"

He sighs, "Noah." I sniffle again as a sob comes out. "Brother, I wanted to tell you that I planned to do it in person. I had only found out when Mel was in the hospital.” He sighs again. "Remember when I asked why someone would know your given name?"

I clear my throat and wipe my face. "Yeah, brother, it was before Mel was shot, but after everything that had happened, I forgot about it, to be honest."

"Yeah, well, I didn't. I asked Mel when she woke, and that's when we realized who you were to Meghan and Lilah. Brother, when we told her I knew you, when I described you to her, she fuckingbroke down in pieces. You could see the relief on her face, but you weren't home; you'd literally just left, which I thought was to Seattle, when in reality you went back to where it all started with the two of you. You came back two weeks before the wedding, but Meghan, the fucking wonderful woman that she is, didn't want to overshadow our day. No matter how much we tried to tell her otherwise, she was going to find you at the wedding to speak with you."

I sigh. "She found me alright, fucking Clitter in the entranceway of the church because all I could think about was how we should have been married by now."

"Ah fuck, brother."

I sigh and scrub my hand down my face. "I've got a fight on my hands, brother."

He hums, "Yeah, you do, and we'll all help as much as we can. Mel's already been messaging Meghan, getting her to talk. You'll get your girl, brother, I promise."

I nod even though he can't see me. I know it'll be difficult, but I won't lose her, not now that I've finally fucking found her, my wildcat, and our kitten. My family.

I'm coming, Meghan, so ready or not, you will be mine.

Chapter 12


My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I scowl, knowing who it is.

Two days after she left for her honeymoon, you'd think she'd be busy getting busy with her new husband instead of messaging me.

Fricking Melanie.

I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket while no one is around, and yep, it's her.

Mellie – We told you he'd lost his way, but he never stopped looking for you, Meg. He's been drowning. Just give him a chance, please; the woman he was with was a sweet butt. Please just hear him out, not for Lilah, but for you.

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