Page 5 of Gunner

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"Hey, could you do me a favor? You're on speaker, but both Axel and Gunner have decided now is the time to question my loyalty to your club and want proof of my appointment tomorrow, all because I have those two weekdays rostered off each week; apparently the others hate that I get them off."

Her eyes narrow at us as Doc growls, "Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you two? She puts in more hours than any of your employees, including you and Slicer Gunner, and you have the fucking nerve to question her? She hasn't even taken a fucking holiday!"

I swallow hard realizing that it's true; she hasn't even taken a day off unless she's throwing up, which is hardly ever, except for the other week when Ink decided to end things with her best friend Sophie taking a text out of context and she passed out. I've promised not to tell him. Leah threatened to leave then too, and she meant it; she always does when it comes to her friend. Doc sighs, sounding disappointed in us and making me and Axel look at each other, wincing.

"Yes, she has an appointment tomorrow for a check-up; it cannot be changed, and yes, she fucking needs it. Grow up, the pair of you. Leah, sweetheart, my old lady will pick you up tomorrow. I love you, honey."

Leah smiles while both me and Axel look at the phone in confusion as she replies, "love you too" before hanging up. She scowls at us both before walking away while we stand here stumped.

Cara huffs, "What a selfish bitch. You kept her here after what she did to poor Razor, who's been fucking anything that moves after she broke his heart, and she's acting ungrateful." She shakes her head before kissing my lips. "I've got to get back to tending tables. I'll see you tonight, baby."

I nod before looking back at Leah again, but she isn't looking our way while Axel sighs, running a hand through his black hair. "Are we taking advantage of her? Punishing her for something she did five years ago?"

I clear my throat and shrug. "Probably, but you don't fuck over one of our own. We only kept her on because she was so good at her job that and she became my best friend, but we'll always keep a distance from her because of what she did. It is what it is, I guess."

Axel sighs and nods his head. "Fuck, I hope she doesn't try to lower the hours we're giving her, or worse, fucking quits. She basically runs this place."

I nod my head in agreement as he pats my back before heading over to the table where his woman is, while I look back at Leah. We make eye contact, and she narrows hers at me, and I know I may have fucked up our friendship.


Shaking my head, I go over to where Cara is picking up some empties and wrap my arm around her waist, making her giggle, before guiding her towards my office. I'm fucking stressed and need relief. I take the tray from her and place it directly in front of Leah. "Sort these for me, will ya? Cara's taking a break." Leah snorts, anger showing on her face, and I sigh. "Leah, I am the boss; remember, I can't be your friend here."

She nods, "Alright, 'boss'"; she uses quotations, making me narrow my eyes at her, "I'll be expecting my break to be two hours then; it seems as though she's already had an hour break, and your now making me take on the bar and the floor by myself so you can get yourself off."

I slowly close my eyes. She's starting to piss me off. I don't understand this attitude of hers. I should have just said okayto the day off tomorrow, but it's late notice, so she should have known I would question it. I shake my head and pull Cara with me, noticing her smirk, but I ignore it and soon stop when Leah talks again. "Oh, and Gunner, as of Thursday, I expect to be doing my contracted hours ONLY; there's nothing in my contract about overtime being mandatory, and there's nothing in my contract stating I have to be the one to open up AND close up every night while being underpaid. I'm pretty sure there's a law suit there, don't yah think?"

I hear Axel curse, knowing he's just heard what she's said, and I turn towards her and say, "Leah…”

She shakes her head and says, "Nope, if you do not follow my contract, then I'll just have to go see a lawyer while looking for a new job."

Her eyes shine with fury, and I know she's not bluffing.

I'm the fucking idiot who's just forced her to hold down the busy fucking bar for my own needs, and it looks like she's now had enough.


Shaking my head, I turn, heading back towards my office, and drag Cara with me, who, by the looks of things, wants to bitch slap Leah, but unfortunately, she can't because I'm still fucking in love with her even when she drives me insane.

I just can't show it; I can't show any emotion towards her because she hurt a fucking brother.

Chapter 2

Leah – 26 years old – 3 months prior

I swallow hard.

I can't afford for my hours to be cut, but it's the principle of things.

I've nearly completed law school, with only 8 months left, and only Sophie, my best friend since infancy, momma Anderson, Doc, and Ava—Doc's wife—know about it. Once I've completed my bar exam, I can kiss this fucking town and Gunner goodbye because I will be gone. I'll obviously stay in touch with Sophie, her momma, Doc, and Ava, but not everyone else.

I shake my head.

For the past five years, Gunner has thrown his relationship in my face.

For the past five years, if anyone pays any attention to me, he scares them off, and for the past five years, I have had to watch the man who tore my virginity from me using a razor in between his fingers inside me just outside those front doors smirk at me every chance he gets while I try to keep a persona up when all I want to do is fall apart.

I feel dirty even now, after so long, I can still feel his breath on my face and the stale smell of his tobacco.

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