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I brace myself, the echoes of my defiance still ringing in the air. I might have been trapped in a room with this thug, but my spirit remains unbreakable. They don’t know who they’re messing with here. They might think of me as little Lily Crowe, my father’s weak daughter, but I will show them otherwise. Just because I don’t want any involvement in their world, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to defend myself when need be. I can fight back if I need to.

“Hey, Boss,” he cries behind himself, teasing me more. “I like this one.”

Though the blow was hard, it doesn’t stop him from grabbing hold of my wrists and snapping handcuffs around them. Before I know it, I’m chained up to a freaking bed like a God damn animal. Just as I’m coming to terms with this, he snaps something else around my neck. Another chain, another way to fix me in one place, to control me.

The necklace lays snug against my skin, a stark contrast to the fear coursing through me. I reach up to touch it, feeling its iciness against my fingertips. I hate it.

Colt steps back, leaving me suffused in the eerie stillness. I strain against the cold metal chains that bind me to the bed, their unyielding grip sending a shiver of fear down my spine. My heart races in my chest as I try to make sense of the situation.

“Better,” Colt calls out, mirth flooding his tone. The enigmatic figure who suddenly emerged from the depths of darkness, stands before me. His silhouette seemed to meld with the shadows, making it difficult to discern his features. But that doesn’t stop me from hating him. “Much better.”

“Why?” I finally manage to choke out, the word hanging heavy in the air between us. “I mean, I know that this obviously has something to do with my father, but whythis.”

I mean, this seems like an overreaction. They have the numbers, it isn’t like I’m getting out of here with any ease. There’s no need to go this far.

Colt’s lips curve slightly, a hint of a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Some questions are better left unanswered,” he replies cryptically, his voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down my spine.

I tug at the chains again, feeling the weight of desperation settling in. The room seems to close in around me, the walls whispering secrets I can’t decipher. The collar around my neck constantly reminds me of my vulnerability, a stark contrast to the strength I always pride myself on.

I step towards Colt as the chains tumble along the ground behind me. I can walk, but not too far. I’m not getting out of this room any time soon. Colt retreats, cracking the door open behind him. A slither of the world beyond comes to light, making my heart skip a beat.

A new trio of figures stand before me, their forms silhouetted against the soft glow of the corridor lights. One of them, all too familiar in a horrifying way.

“So, this is Maddox,” Colt says, introducing me to my new enemies as if we’re at a freaking dinner party or something. “You might remember him. The one with the gun.”

Maddox steps forward, his presence exuding an air of authority, just like he did when he had the gun. I have to admit I prefer him without a weapon. Tall, dark, and commanding, he possesses a rugged handsomeness that makes it easy to understand why someone might be drawn to him. His strong jawline frames piercing sky blue eyes that hold a hint of something hidden, a depth that begs to be explored… that I want to explore, which Iknowmakes me sound crazy.

“And Novak. I don’t think you have had the chance to meet him yet.”

This Novak creeps slightly behind Maddox, his stance more reserved. His dark tousled hair and intense hazel-brown gaze gives him an aura of mystery, a magnetic pull that defies logic. His features concoct a mixture of strength and vulnerability, as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. I cock my head to one side as I study him carefully.

“And, you might already know this face too… Ryker.”

This is the real kicker. Fucking Ryker. The man I spent the sexiest night of my life with before my world was upended. Like an idiot, I thought that he wanted to spend more time with me to date me. I thought I would have sexy fun stories to share with Alex… but I was being used. Ryker wanted to know what I had planned for the day because he wanted to dothis. Not to date me.

I should have known. I always attract the worst of the worst.

But still, his presence ignites a fire within me, a rush of memories that mingles with the uncertainty of my current situation. His messy mousy blond hair and a mischievous grin that plays at the corners of his lips makes it impossible to ignore the connection we had forged. Because we did forge it, I didn’t imagine that. I knew it. His golden eyes hold a spark of something familiar, a glimmer of recognition that draws me in. Or it would if I wasn’t trapped here.

Lust surges through my veins, mingling with the fear and confusion that threatens to drown me. Each man possesses a distinct allure, a physical presence that resonates deep within me. It’s as if my body responds to them on a primal level, a reaction beyond my control.

I know this is absurd, yet I can’t stop the internal battle from raging on.

I swallow hard, pushing aside the whirlwind of feelings that threaten to engulf me. No matter their physical appeal, these men are dangerous, their motives unclear. I can’t afford to be swayed by their allure. But as their gazes hold mine, a realization settles in – escaping their grasp will be a battle, not only against my captors but against the tangled desires they’ve awakened within me.

“What is going on?” I snap through gritted teeth, aiming my question at Ryker the most since me and him spent the night together. “Is this why you were at theSurly Mermaid?”

It doesn’t matter, or at least it shouldn’t. It’s obvious that I was being used, but I still want to hear him say it. I want him to say that our night meant nothing.

“This isn’t personal,” Ryker replies with a shrug. “You know that.”

“Thismight not be, but you know what I mean.”

A heat burns through me as I can feel all eyes on me. I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take. It’s humiliating. He knows that he took my virginity. I glare at Ryker, my fists clenched at my sides, trying to keep my composure despite the storm of emotions raging within me. His casual demeanor only fuels my anger, the way he’s standing there as if none of this matters, as if he didn’t just shatter something inside me.

Has he told the others? Do they know about us? I kinda want them to know so we can discuss this openly. I jut my chin out and hold my head up higher, ready to be more specific.

“Are you telling me that sleeping with me was just some part of your plan?” My voice trembles with a mixture of fury and hurt. “I was honest with you, Ryker, and you did this.”

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