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“Well, we’re ready to move forward whenever you give the word.”

I meet his gaze, my resolve firm even as doubts nip at the edges of my thoughts. “We’ll have a meeting about it today and sort out a date and time. This needs to be done ASAP.”

Basically before I talk myself out of this.

Maddox’s nod is an affirmation, a testament to the unspoken understanding that binds us. My alpha commands are law, but I’m pretty sure Maddox would follow me whatever.

“I will gather everyone up in the conference room now then. Make sure we’re all prepared.”

I know what Lily is doing today and where she’ll be at all times, so realistically, today would be the perfect opportunity. The only problem is it’ll make me look like a real asshole, won’t it? The worst of the worst. Lily will get all the wrong ideas and assume I only slept with her for that information. I don’t know how I’ll be able to let her know otherwise. Yeah, that won’t be the easiest chat to have when she’s my hostage.

I smile and nod at Maddox, knowing that he’ll help me make the right decision. I mean, this is the guy who saved my life. I know he would do anything for me. As Maddox heads inside, I let my mind wander a little, pushing Lily to the back of my mind while I recallthatday. The one that changed my life forever and made me the man I am today…

The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across our make shift camp. Tired soldiers shuffled about; their weary faces illuminated by the faint glow of campfires. Amidst the hum of whispered conversations, I sat alone, lost in contemplation, staring into the dancing flames, replaying memories that refused to fade.

Maddox, my comrade in arms, had been more than just a fellow soldier to me, evenbefore. We had weathered storms of both bullets and uncertainty together, creating an unbreakable bond that transcended the boundaries of camaraderie. From the moment we first stood side by side in boot camp, there was an unspoken connection between us that only deepened as we ventured onto the battlefield. I didn’t know what I would do without him there… which I suppose is the same now.

Our first deployment was marked by trepidation and raw nerves. The foreign land we found ourselves in was alien, unforgiving, and haunted by the echoes of those who had fought before us. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Maddox was a steady presence. His calm resolve and unyielding determination served as an anchor for me, grounding me in the midst of chaos.

It was that calm resolve that I relied on when, all of a sudden, a storm hit us. A storm of enemy fire pinned us down and trapped us in a maze of crumbling structures surrounding us.

Bullets whizzed past, accompanied by the ominous symphony of distant explosions, shattering the quiet we had all been enjoying every so often. Just as I thought I was too exposed and wouldn’t stand a chance, Maddox surprised me. Without a second thought, he charged forward amidst the hail of gunfire to shield me from harm’s way.

“Don’t worry, Buddy.” He shot me a wink in the middle of one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I willneverforget that wink. “We’re going to be okay.”

If I close my eyes for long enough, I can still see his silhouette etched against the smoke and fire, his determination a beacon of hope in that bleak landscape. He dragged me to safety, his strength surprising even himself. His actions that day were nothing short of heroic, a testament to the unwavering loyalty he held for those he fought beside. Especially me.

I’d trained for that, we all had, but there was no way to prepare myself for a moment in action. Of course, I was stronger after that. I’d faced the worst and survived, so nothing was stopping me from doing the same again. But I willneverforget what Maddox did for me.

I step inside my mansion, which stands as a monolith of opulence, a testament to my position in this clandestine world. Its grandeur is overshadowed only by the secrets it holds within its sprawling walls. As I head through the ornate double doors, a familiar sense of both weight and purpose settles on me.

Ascending the marble staircase, I make my way to the conference room, a place that has seen countless strategies devised, alliances formed, and fates decided, just as it will today. The room itself is bathed in a dim, ambient light, emanating from an intricate chandelier that dangles from the ceiling like a silent guardian.

Around the mahogany table, figures await, each representing a piece of the puzzle that’s our operation. At the head of the table sits Colt, an imposing figure whose presence is as loud as his voice, never mind his roar. His massive frame seems almost out of place amidst the polished elegance of the room, but his fire filled eyes speak of an unyielding determination – a determination fueled by a sense of justice that burns brighter than any anger that simmers within.

Colt’s reputation preceded him. His loyalty is fierce, especially for a wolf, and his rage is legendary. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, like an unpredictable storm waiting to be unleashed. But I know how much of a good guy he is, and I’m glad to have him on my team always. I shoot him a smile and get a sharp nod back.

To Colt’s right side is Novak, a study in contrasts. With his lean frame and quiet demeanor, he’s the antithesis of Colt’s imposing presence. Novak’s gaze is sharp and observant, his eyes ever watchful, taking in the details that often go unnoticed by the rest of us. His fingers tap rhythmically on the table, an indication of his affinity for numbers and patterns – a skill that has saved us from countless brushes with disaster.

Despite his quiet nature, Novak’s influence on our endeavors is immeasurable. His insights and calculations are the foundation our plans are built on, and his calm disposition acts as a counterbalance to the tempestuous energy that often swirls around us. He’s the one who keeps us grounded, who reminds us that amidst the chaos, logic and reason are our greatest allies.

As I take my seat at the table, the room seems to hum with a sense of function. By the time Maddox joins us, we’re ready to get down to the nitty gritty of what we’re going to do with Lily. Beautiful Lily, whose body willnotleave my mind. Even with everything else going on around me. I kinda just wish that me and her could go out on a date, that I could spoil her and treat her like the goddess she is. I want my mate to feel loved and happy. Unfortunately, right now, she is a means to an end. I just hope that she understands…

“So, what’s going on?” Colt demands. “We’re making our move today, right?”

I sigh heavily. “Well, Idoknow where she’s going to be today…”

Colt’s eyes light up like a damn Christmas tree. Novak’s eyes narrow, like he’s trying to calculate exactly what this means for us. I glance towards Maddox who nods at me, encouraging me to continue, to spill all the details that I have. I guess it’s now or never. If I hold on to this information I have, my pack will get it out of me anyway. They always do.

“Lily will be with her father this morning, but she’s headed to the mall afterwards.” The web of deceit that I’m currently unraveling wraps tightly around me. “So, I suggest that we get her then. We go for her at the end of her shopping excursion, when she’s making her way back home, that’s when we strike. Sooner rather than later, right?”

I nod to myself, trying to convince myself that what I’m doing is the right thing. I have to act on my instincts, even if it doesn’t feel good. I don’t usually have a conscience about this sort of thing, but then I’ve never gotten all mixed up in something this complicated before. Something that involves a woman I’ve slept with. My mate.

Nods of agreement sweep through the room like a silent wave, an unspoken consensus forming among us. It’s a delicate balance we’re treading – timing will be everything if we want to get one over Alistair. He’s a sharp eye and a bastard when he wants to be.

But we can do it. We can make this dance work for us and put Alistair in his place. My fists curl up with anger as I think about his smug face. I can’t wait to wipe that smile off him. Much as I adore Lily, she’s the key to all of this.

* * *

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