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I meet his gaze without hesitation. “A stable future for our families. A chance to rise above the chaos and turmoil that’s defined our relationship. And for me personally, the chance to be with Lily, to make amends for the past and build a future that’s not marred by hostility.”

Alistair’s gaze doesn’t waver, his scrutiny unwavering. It’s clear that he’s considering not just the practical benefits of the proposition, but also the emotional implications of a truce that goes beyond just business.

His questions come one after another, each probing deeper into the practicalities of the proposition. I respond to each inquiry with honesty and openness, addressing his concerns and laying out the plan for our unified future.

“We’ll subdivide the land we already own,” I confirm, my voice steady. “We’ll share resources and armies, pooling our strengths to create a force that’s unmatched by any other crime family in the city.”

Alistair nods slowly, his expression thoughtful as he processes the information. “I would be mad not to take this offer,” he muses, “because war will lead to death, and this leads to strength.”

As he holds out his hand for me to shake, solidifying this agreement, I finally start to see that this all can end in a positive way for all of us. I don’t want this life anymore. I’m done with the life of crime. All I want is my new family. But I want everyone to be safe, I want the fighting to end, and this hand shake signifies that.

Tomorrow will be a brand new, much brighter day, and I can’t wait to see it.


Five Years Later

Heavily pregnant, I find solace in the tranquility of our countryside home. The air is filled with the sweet sounds of laughter and the joyous energy of our growing family. As I sit outside, my gaze fixed on the scene before me, my heart swells with a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond anything I could have imagined.

The twins, a reflection of the love between Novak and me, dart around the yard, their youthful exuberance contagious. Colt, always the playful one, joins in their game of catch, his laughter blending with theirs to create a symphony of happiness.

It’s a picturesque scene, one that paints a vivid picture of the life we’ve built together. A life that’s not confined to titles or conventional norms, but one that’s defined by the connections we’ve formed, the love we share, and the family we’ve created.

A soft breeze rustles through the trees, carrying with it the whispers of our history, the trials we’ve faced, and the triumphs we’ve celebrated. And as I sit here, a radiant smile on my lips, I reflect on how far we’ve come.

Maddox and Novak, perched on the tree swing, embody the harmony that defines our pack. Their laughter rings out, a testament to the camaraderie that’s formed through shared experiences and the bonds that have only grown stronger with time.

Ryker’s steps draw my attention, and I turn to see him approaching. His presence is a balm to my soul, his smile a reflection of the contentment we’ve found together. As he settles beside me, his head finding a resting place on my growing belly, a sense of warmth envelops us.

“Gemma’s finally asleep,” he says, his voice a gentle murmur. The unborn baby responds to his voice, a playful kick against his cheek. The sight warms my heart, a tangible reminder of the life that’s growing within me.

I reach down to touch his cheek, my fingers brushing against the spot where our child’s movements are most pronounced. “They know their father’s voice,” I say, a mixture of awe and tenderness in my tone.

Ryker’s gaze lifts to meet mine, his eyes filled with a mixture of wonder and love. In this moment, as the sun sets on another day, it’s clear that our journey is far from over, that the challenges we’ve faced have only strengthened the bond between us.

“We’ve come a long way,” he murmurs, his fingers intertwining with mine.

I nod, a sense of gratitude filling my heart. “And we’re just getting started.”

I glance at him, his profile softened by the fading light, and I let out a soft sigh. “You know, sometimes I feel guilty,” I confess, my voice hushed in the stillness of the evening.

Ryker turns his gaze toward me, his eyes searching mine with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Guilty? About what?”

I fumble for the right words, trying to put my complex feelings in to coherent sentences. “About taking you away from the life you loved,” I admit, my voice tinged with a touch of sadness. “You were a part of the city crew, a life that you thrived in. And now, we’re here, in the mountains, far from everything you knew.”

Ryker’s expression softens, and he reaches out to take my hand, his touch grounding me. “Lils,” he says gently, using the nickname that’s reserved for moments of vulnerability, “I made this choice willingly. Being with you, building this family, it’s worth everything to me.”

I smile, a mixture of gratitude and relief flooding through me. His words are a balm to my guilt, a reminder that the choices we’ve made have been driven by a shared commitment to a future that’s defined by love and unity.

“You dropped it all,” I say, my voice quiet but filled with awe. “Your position, your reputation – everything. You chose to be here with me. With us.”

Ryker’s smile is tender, his thumb brushing against the back of my hand. “And I’d make the same choice again, in a heartbeat.”

His sincerity washes over me, and the weight of my guilt begins to lift. The emotions that have been brewing over the past year, amplified by my latest pregnancy, find release in this moment of connection.

“You have your family here,” he continues, his gaze unwavering. “Our family. Lils, you’ve given me something I never thought I’d have. A sense of belonging, a future that’s filled with love.”

Tears gather at the corners of my eyes, a mixture of joy and relief spilling over. Ryker’s unwavering support, his understanding, are a testament to the strength of our bond.

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