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He gets close enough for me to grab him, and I finally close the gap, bringing his lips to mine. The taste of him while I have Novak buried deep inside me is electric. Even better than I suspected. It’s confirmation that this chemistry is transcendent and much better when there is more of us. Right now, I just have two of the guys. What will it be like when I have all of them?

The kiss intensifies, and soon, I work on unbuttoning his trousers as well. If this is crazy, then I don’t even want to be sane.

“Lily, what are you…?” Maddox starts, but as soon as his thick, throbbing erection has burst free and I’m holding him lightly between my fingers, all of that fades. His eyes hood over with a deep dark desire, and he seems happier to simply go with the flow.

So I do the same thing. My mouth is watering with desire, needing to taste him so I bring him close to my mouth, pressing my lips ever so lightly against his tip.

The groan that comes flying out of Maddox’s mouth as his head lolls to the side with desire, encourages me and makes me crave more. So much more. So I part my lips and let him slide in right to the back of my throat. My mouth stretches around him as I let him fuck my face.

The thrusts with Novak help with the motion in which I taste Maddox. Somehow, the whole thing comes together perfectly in a blur of pleasure that simply seems to wash over all of us. It’s like we’re locked away in our own little land and no one can affect us here.

This is magnificent, phenomenal, as I go flying over the edge into the never ending abyss of pleasure, I realize that a new side of me has been unlocked. A new desire that I didn’t know I had. I really am learning all sorts about myself while in captivity. It’s crazy, but in the best way possible. I want to keep on learning, to keep on exploring, to see how far this will take me…

“Hello?” All of a sudden, ice cold water is thrown over our heads by the sound of Ryker’s voice calling through the house. We all freeze, none of us quite sure what to do. It’s like an electric bolt has consumed us and frozen us in time while we wait in terrified anticipation.

I have been waiting desperately for Ryker to come back home so I can know that he’s okay, but not while I’m in a very compromising position like this. With MaddoxandNovak. Not only will this kill Ryker, but he might kill all of us as well.

“We need to have a meeting. All of us, in the conference room now.”

“Come on,” Novak hisses in an urgent whisper. “You heard him. We need to go now. We can’t keep him waiting.”

I can’t meet anyone’s eyes as I dress in a hurry, because now I’m all conflicted once more. Only a moment ago, I was on cloud nine, soaring higher than air and sure that everything was right with the world, but now… well now I’m all confused and unsure again. Now I don’t know what to do.

What I desire isn’t conventional; it isn’t what most people want, and when I’m not all caught up in the heat of the moment, I can see how crazy it is. How mad these men will think I am. Maddox and Novak are right here with me, they got all caught up in the moment too, but they might not want to pursue this in the future…

Oh God, I have to get my mind off myself and my desires for a moment. Who knows what Ryker is about to tell us? I need to be ready for anything, especially when it involves my father. This could end in disaster.



The conference room feels heavy with anticipation as the four of us gather around the table, each of us bracing for the weight of the impending storm. Novak, Maddox, Ryker, and I exchange glances, the unspoken tension connecting us in a way that words can’t convey. Ryker stands at the head of the table, his expression a mixture of determination and concern.

But my patience is wearing thin, the mounting pressure making it difficult to contain my emotions. I clench my fists, nails digging into my palms, and fight the urge to demand answers. Ryker looks stressed, weighed down by the responsibilities he carries, and I don’t want to add to his burden. Yet, the need to know, to understand what’s happening, gnaws at me like a relentless ache, especially when it isn’t just our lives on the line here.

Ryker’s voice breaks through the silence, carrying with it the gravity of our situation. “I called you all here because we’re on the precipice of something significant. Alistair’s reaction to our confrontation at the bar was just as we predicted. He’s rattled, cornered. And that’s exactly where we want him. The meeting went just as we knew it would.”

My patience snaps, and I know I have to ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind. “What did he say about Lily?” My voice is edged with a sense of urgency. We need to know if our plan has worked and if Lily’s safety swayed him even slightly. After all, that’s why we’re in this mess.

Ryker’s gaze meets mine, his eyes holding a mixture of weariness and determination. “He’s concerned, worried for her safety. He might not show it openly, but Alistair cares about his daughter. That’s our leverage, and we need to use it to our advantage.”

There’s a collective exhale around the table, a mixture of relief and tension easing as we hear that our plan has indeed hit its mark. Lily is safe, and Alistair’s vulnerability is the key to our strategy. I glance at Maddox, who has been protective of Lily from the beginning, and see a hint of relief in his eyes. I wonder if Ryker knows that as well, if he sees what I see…

Ryker continues, his tone measured as he elaborates on our next steps. “But don’t mistake this for an easy victory. Alistair is dangerous, and he’s not one to back down without a fight. He’ll gather his forces, make alliances, and prepare for a confrontation. We need to do the same.”

The room seems to close in around us as Ryker speaks, the reality of our situation settling heavily on our shoulders. Maddox’s jaw clenches, a testament to his readiness for the challenges that lie ahead. Ryker’s stress is palpable, a reflection of the immense responsibility he carries as our leader.

The fire burns within me, a fierce determination that refuses to be extinguished by the looming shadows of war. With every step I take through the compound, the weight of our impending conflict presses down on my shoulders, but it also fuels the resolve that courses through my veins. I’m ready for this battle, ready to face whatever challenges Alistair throws our way. But more than that, I want to know that we can succeed.

“So, we just train?” I demand as my hand balls up into a fist. “Prepare as we can?”

Ryker’s eyes meet mine, his expression a mix of understanding and shared determination. “Training is just one part of it. It’s about more than physical strength, Colt. We also need to strategize, to anticipate Alistair’s moves, to outthink him.”

I roll my eyes because I already know that. It’s why our team works so well together. Because we all bring different things to the group. What I want to know is how we’ll deal with it all.

But before the question comes flying out of my mouth, I spot a shadow in the corner, reminding me that she’s here.Lily. She’s in on this meeting with the rest of us, not quite a part of the team but not completely out of the loop either. She’s on the precipice of everything.

The intensity of my thoughts, the fire burning within me, is momentarily quelled by her presence. She really is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I can’t get enough of her. The memory of her pink bare ass lying across my lap as I punished her has remained burning in my brain ever since that all happened.

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