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“May I buy you a drink?” His voice is a rich timbre, a velvet melody that resonates within me.

I can hardly believe the surrealness of the situation – the man I have watched from afar, a distant figure in a world of headlines, ishere, standing in front of me, offering a simple drink. A surge of emotions wells up within me, a blend of anticipation and curiosity that eclipsed any doubt or hesitation. This is nothing like Brandon hitting on me, and Alex knows that. He knows me well enough to sense that I want this even from a million miles away.

Without a second thought, I find myself nodding, my voice steady despite the internal tumult. “Yes, of course. That sounds lovely. Another cocktail, please.”

As he signals to Alex, the world around us resumes its motion, the chatter and laughter filling the void left by the silence. Ryker’s gaze lingers on me, as if he holds an understanding of the connection that had formed between us, one that transcends mere chance.

Alex approaches with a drink in hand, placing it before me with a knowing smile. He’s as excited for me as I am.Notthat I’m expecting anything other than this drink, but hey… it’s fun to fantasize. Ryker’s drink materializes beside mine, the two glasses like a symbolic bridge between our worlds as they rest ever so lightly against one another.

“Thank you,” I murmur, my eyes meeting Ryker’s again, feeling the warmth of his gaze seep into me, awakening a sense of longing and possibility. “I appreciate it.”

He inclines his head, a silent acknowledgment, and for a moment, our words remain suspended in the air between us. There’s an unspoken understanding that we had reached a juncture, a crossroads where paths converged, guided by an inexplicable force. I don’t think I haveeverfelt anything like this before, with any guy. Is it just because Ryker is so hot and I kinda know him? Or is there actually something more simmering between us?

I need to find out, and for that, I need to talk… maybe even flirt.

“So, Ryker, right? What brings you here tonight?” Was that a tremble in my voice?

“Yeah, that’s right.” He narrows his eyes at me. “And you are…?”

“Lily. Lily Crowe.” I nod just the once. “Nice to meet you.”

He smiles like I’m cute, like I’ve impressed him with my naïve sweetness, which definitely isn’t the impression I want to give. If destiny has given me a shot to talk to Ryker, then I at least want him to walk away from me with a good impression.

“So, erm, are you really as charming as you seem on TV?”

Oh fuck, what was that? My God, I’m an idiot. A heat burns up through my body and hits my cheeks hard. That is going to make me look more silly than ever.

But much to my surprise, his lips quirk into a half smile, and his golden eyes seem to hold a flicker of amusement. I hope this is a good thing. It has to be, right? “Charming? Well, I suppose I’ve picked up a trick or two along the way. But what you see on TV isn’t always real.”

His voice is laced with a velvety undertone that zig zags through me like a soothing melody.

His reaction emboldens me, and I decide to take it a step further, allowing my gaze to linger on his chiseled features for a beat too long. “And here I was, thinking that charming strangers in dimly lit bars was my specialty. You’ve certainly raised the stakes.”

Ryker’s laughter, a rich and mellifluous sound, brushed against my ears like a caress. “I don’t know, Lily. You don’t seem like much of a stranger to me.”

As our eyes meet again, a current of desire pulses beneath the surface, a magnetic pull that draws me closer to him. His presence is a wildfire, consuming my thoughts and igniting a blaze of attraction I have never experienced before.

Determined not to let my own nerves dampen the spark, I lean in slightly, our faces now just inches apart. “Well, I would like to be even less of a stranger to you. You intrigue me.”

His gaze holds mine, unwavering, and a flicker of interest dances in his golden eyes. “Oh? And what, may I ask, do you find so intriguing?”

I swallow hard, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks all over again, but for a different reason this time. Ryker’s presence is an intoxicating force, and the confident flirtation I intend to spill out seems to escape me, leaving me a little tongue tied. “Well, you seem like an interesting man. I would like to know much more about you.”

Ryker’s eyes flicker with a hint of mystery. “Well, I’m happy to show you…everything.”

A thunder cloud bubbles underneath the surface, about to let off steam at any given moment. I don’t even know what to do with myself. With every heartbeat, the connection between us deepens, and the energy between our bodies charges with a palpable tension. I’m hooked. Officially. I don’t know what this man has done to me, but I’m addicted to him.

The air around us crackles with an electric tension, a potent cocktail of flirtation and intrigue that seemed to weave its way through every exchange between Ryker and me – even Alex notices. Now the playful winks he sends my way are reciprocated in turn.

As the night progresses, our words became bolder, our glances more lingering, and the promise of something unspoken seemed to hang in the air like a whisper carried by the wind.

Amidst the dim lights and the thrumming pulse of the bar, a pivotal moment arrives way before I’m ready for it. Last call is announced, which means it’s time to leave this beautiful man behind… or so I think. The sparkle in his eye seems to suggest that he feels differently.

“Lily, do you maybe want to get out of here?”

Time seems to slow as his words hang in the air, the unspoken implications washing over me like a tidal wave. The invitation, so laden with possibility, dangles before me like a delicate thread, ready to be seized or gently released.

I mean, this is Ryker! What am I supposed to do?

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