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She shrugs, a small smile playing on her lips as she tries to play it down a little. “It’s okay. It’s made me who I am today, and I’m determined to never let anyone treat me that way again.”

I admire her resilience, and her ability to rise above the challenges life has thrown her way. It’s clear that there’s more to her than meets the eye, a strength that she carries with her even in the face of adversity. She might even be able to survive this.

“I never understand how people so willingly follow alphas.” She cocks her head questioningly to one side. “Without always questioning it. Take you, for example. You seem very different to everyone else here. Anyone I’ve ever met actually. How did you end up here?”

“Oh well, that’s a long story…” I start, but I soon realize that she’s going to want to hear it anyway. And she shared with me, so I owe her that much. “I’m part of Ryker’s wolf pack. They’re more than just allies to me; they’re family. They took me in when I was just a pup, lost and alone after my parents were killed in a battle over territory long ago.”

That fact always weighs heavy on me, and leaves me wondering how different my life could have been if that never happened. If I didn’t pretty much grow up alone.

“I see,” she mutters as a quiet reply. “That must be why you’re so loyal.”

“Yes, that’s right,” I reply with a one shouldered shrug. “And I owe everything to Ryker’s family. They accepted me, taught me, and raised me as their own. I’m willing to follow Ryker anywhere because he’s more than just a leader. He’s my best friend too.”

Understanding dawns in Lily’s eyes, and I can see a mix of respect and empathy in her gaze. “I had no idea. That’s... quite a story. You have had a hard life too.”

I chuckled softly, the tension of the moment easing. “I suppose it’s not something that comes up in everyday conversation. I don’t talk about it a lot.”

Lily’s lips curve into a genuine smile, the kind that reaches her eyes. “No, I guess not. Same with me. I don’t talk about my home life either unless I have to.”

There’s a pause as we absorb the weight of the revelation, a new found layer of understanding between us. But then, Lily’s expression grows more serious, a hint of concern in her eyes. “So, what happens next? With Ryker, with your pack?”

I lean forward, my gaze locking with hers. “We will negotiate with your father. Try not to let it become a blood bath. It won’t be easy, but we have the strength of our convictions, and we’re willing to face whatever challenges come our way.”

Lily nods, her eyes holding a mixture of resolve and uncertainty. “And me? What’s my role in all of this? Why do you needmeto make my dad listen to you?”

I meet her gaze, my voice steady as I speak. “We’re going to keep you safe. Whatever happens, you won’t be alone. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

An eye for an eye– Ryker did mean that but it’s certainly not something I will uphold. I didn’t want to anyway, but after sharing some time with Lily, I know I can’t.

A mixture of emotions flicker in her eyes – gratitude, relief, and a hint of something deeper. “Thank you,” she whispers. “I appreciate you making me that promise.”

As I watch her, I can’t help but feel that our connection has deepened even further. I know her on a brand new level now, and she seems to know me too.

I hold Lily’s gaze, the weight of the conversation settling between us like a shared secret. Her question about her role and her father’s significance hung in the air, waiting for an answer that I hope will reassure her. I guess I haven’t given her that yet.

“We need you to make your dad listen to us because you’re the link that connects him to us in a way he can’t ignore,” I explain, my voice calm and measured as I go in deeper than I’m sure Ryker would like. But Lily needs this, so I will give it to her. To help keep her calm. “You’re his daughter, and your safety is his priority. If he sees that you’re with us but okay, that we’re treating you with respect and keeping you safe, he’ll be more inclined to negotiate.”

Lily’s brows furrow, her expression a mix of contemplation and understanding. “So, you’re using me as leverage?”

I shake my head gently, wanting to clarify. “Not leverage, Lily. We’re not using you as a pawn. We’re hoping that your relationship with your father can help us find a peaceful resolution. We want to avoid unnecessary conflict, not escalate it.”

Ryker might see her as leverage and Colt too, maybe even Maddox, but not me. She’s worth so much more than that, and I want her to know that Iseeher.

She seems to consider my words, her gaze distant as she processes the information. “It just feels... strange. Like I’m caught between two worlds, two sides that I never asked to be a part of. But thanks. Thank you for being honest with me. For treating me like a person, not just a hostage.”

I offer her a sincere smile, our connection solidifying in that moment. “You’re more than just a hostage, Lily. We’ll do everything in our power to ensure that your choices are respected and that this isn’t the worst time in the world for you.”

The room’s ambiance seems to shift, the weight of our conversation hanging in the air like a fragile balance. Lily’s eyes meet mine, a mixture of emotions dancing within them. Her gaze seems to linger much longer than necessary, a silent question floating between us. I lean in slightly, my heart pounding in response to the intensity of the moment. And then, in an instant that feels both electrifying and surreal, Lily’s lips meet mine.

The sensation is startling yet oddly familiar, as if an unspoken tension that has been building between us has finally found its release. The taste of surprise mingled with the flavor of something deeper, something that has been simmering beneath the surface of our interactions, fills me up and makes me feel everything all at once. It’s like I’m drowning in bliss, overcome with the intense fireworks that ricochet between us.

This shouldn’t be happening. It shouldn’t, but it is and now I never want it to end.

I’m momentarily frozen, taken aback by the unexpectedness of the gesture. But then, almost instinctively, my fingers find their way to her cheek, my hand cradling her face as I respond to the kiss. The softness of her lips against mine is intoxicating, and a rush of warmth spreads through me. I can’t get enough of her. I don’t think I have ever felt this way before.

Time seems to stand still as we kiss, the rest of the world fading into the background. In that moment, there are no labels, no roles, no mission – just two individuals connecting on a level that defies explanation. This really is incredible…

As the kiss deepens, a swirl of emotions courses through me. Surprise gives way to a hunger, a longing that I haven’t allowed myself to acknowledge until now. Lily’s lips are soft and inviting, and with each fleeting touch, a spark ignites within me – a spark that illuminates the depths of our connection. This is more than just shared interests, a gossamer thin bond. It’severything.

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