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He sat up as an adorable little grin tugged on his delectable lips. “I wouldn’t exactly describe it quite like that, but if that makes you feel better about what happened, go right ahead.”

I remembered a really hot kiss, but after that, my memory kind of went a bit blurry. I hadn’t actually slept in days, worrying about my future… mine and Darci’s. I guess when I finally did fall asleep, I slept so hard that whatever happened was still a bit foggy.

“I don’t remember much past some kisses. Was there… I mean… did we… you know?”

I waited for an answer that I didn’t want to hear.

“Have sex?” he smirked, and my throat tightened. “We did, until you fell asleep again. Almost immediately after.”

I flashed on his face looking down at mine… Oh God!

“I did? I mean, yes, I did. I haven’t slept in days.”

Not that my excuse made any sense at all, but I was grasping here.

“Apparently, you liked sleeping curled up around me, at least that’s what you said last night.”

I sucked in a breath for strength, which seemed impossible to get at that moment. “Okay, now I’m mortified.” I spotted my panties and PJ bottoms tucked into the end of the sofa, grabbed them, and pulled them back on, as if they would somehow save me from this humbling moment.

“Don’t be. I thought it was cute.”

His smile lit up his entire face. The guy always did have an effect on me, but I never thought it would lead to us having sex out on my aunt and uncle’s porch. I must have lost all my morals… Who am I and whatever happened to uptight CindyLou?

“Cute? We had sex, and you thought it was cute? Who has cute sex? Sex should be… well… sexy, not cute. Cute is for pink bows and frilly dresses, but never for sex.”

He had a point.

“Okay, it was wicked, dirty, filthy, and hot as sin. Is that better?”

“Much. Thanks.”

I felt the grin tugging at my lips, but I wasn’t about to let it take hold.

“Fine, but we’re essentially strangers. We shouldn’t be having any kind of… sex.”

“I wouldn’t say we were strangers, exactly,” he said, grinning like his mind was already reliving the moments. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”

Like I needed reminding. This really couldn’t be happening… and with my sweet little girl only steps away. What kind of role model am I? “Not like this. This changes everything.”

I’d slipped on my PJ bottoms, so I stood and dropped the blanket.

“It doesn’t have to. We can still go on acting like strangers if that’s what you want.” Now he was trying to placate me, and I didn’t like being… placated. As if I were a kid he had to pacify, or I’d start crying or stomping my foot or better still, kick him in the shins, which would feel so good right about now.

“We’ve barely said more than ten words to each other our entire lives. That hardly makes for any kind of friendship.”

He nods and smirks. “Well, I think we’ve made up for all that lack of communication last night.”

I paced the length of the porch, then turned around and walked back to him, trying to think this thing through like an adult, which I’d had to do more and more lately. “Look, don’t read anything into what happened. I was… I mean, I’ve been…” I sighed. I truly didn’t know what to tell him other than, “I’m a hot mess right now, so please don’t think this can go anywhere.”

“I figured as much.”

I gave him a sarcastic stare.

He continued, looking as though he misspoke. “Not the hot-mess part. I’m talking about reading anything into what happened, other than it was… hot, exceptionally hot.”

The man had my number, and as I gazed into his incredibly seductive eye, everything, down to each touch came rushing back.

“Yes, it was indeed exceptionally… hot.”

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