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He stood next to Daryl, who wore a big wide toothy grin, like he did whenever Darci ran into his arms. I couldn’t believe it. Colt and Daryl, together. Did this mean they were friends again? I didn’t know, but whatever happened, my heart was so full, it wanted to burst. And next to Daryl… Miss Nancy… Scotty’s mother. I could hardly believe it. I loved her, and there she was only a few feet away to cheer on her son, and me, I hoped. She looked positively beautiful in her blue jeans, and blue shirt. Her blond hair dusting her shoulders and her makeup perfect. I was so happy to see her, I nearly jumped off the stage to give her a hug… but Scotty stopped me.

“Afterwards,” he said, so I blew her a kiss instead.

Then there was the massive audience that stretched all the way from the stage to the front doors, and when I glanced up, they were even lining the railings of the two balconies.

Talk about an incredible opening night! We were having one. When I glanced over at Scotty, thinking he might be frozen with stage fright, I was pleasantly surprised to see him so into playing the music and enjoying the audience, that he seemed not to have a care in the world.

And this time, when the band played the intro, I joined right in and sang out, loud and clear, with Scotty doing some light harmony.

You told me I’m your Mrs.

I told you you’re my man.

Now you’re dancing with a sister,

Who don’t know who I am.

I’m sayin’ no, oh no, no, no.

Telling you no, oh no, no, no...

For the next two hours, a much longer set than we’d practiced for, short and petite Connie sang a bluesy original and wowed the audience, then Liberty, with her white-blond hair and red signature lips played that mean fiddle of hers until I could see sparks flying, while Emily, who looked amazing wearing a short black leather skirt and red shirt that highlighted her gold-spun long hair, did a couple solos then a harmony number with Tammy. We all sang song after song, with the four of us joining in whenever we could.

Oh, and my song with Scotty… well, it was a mega hit, with folks asking it they could stream it on their favorite service.

What the hell?

When it came time for all of us to sing Girls with Guitars, we’d become such good stage buddies that we chuckled out way through the song, with both Scotty and Mickey doing the long instrumental in the middle on their own. It was magical and everyone applauded and whistled when they were done.

When we broke after our first set, I knew this was where I belonged. Where my heart wanted to go. And where I could no longer ignore.

But first, I had to talk to Mickey.

“Hi babe,” he began once we were alone backstage, standing in the long hallway. “Before you say anything, I didn’t sign with the Jess Davis Band. Even though it was a great opportunity, it required way too much traveling. I don’t want to do that. Not now, anyway. Instead, I put together my own band. They backed you and the other girls tonight. I’ve been jamming with them on and off for a couple years. I thought it was time we made it legal. Jade Witaker took care of the paperwork. Also, I’ve given up my cabin on Tammy’s property to move in with you and Colt. I think Scotty’s doing the same, or at least he’s in the process. You should know that your uncle turned me around on my stupid thinking.”

I could hardly believe his words. It seemed as though he was finally taking his life seriously… like it mattered… like we mattered. My heart swelled with love.

“And just how did he do that? Another punch to the face?”

Not exactly. He and your aunt did it with kindness and love. Something I’m not used to getting. They convinced me that I deserve those things.”

“Didn’t you already know that? You deserve those things and more. You’re a great guy under all that bravado. I saw it the other day when you were with Darci. She’s a good judge of character, and she fell for you from the very first moment you two met.”

“How is she? I miss her so much, and I miss you, too. Like crazy. I couldn’t stop thinking of you the entire time I stayed with your aunt and uncle.”

“You stayed with them and they didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t want anyone to know… in case I didn’t make it. This head of mine throws me curve balls all the time. You wanna know the biggest thing I did?”


“I’m in therapy. Real, honest to God, therapy. And I like it.”

“Wow, all because Uncle Daryl punched your lights out?”

He reached for his jaw like it still hurt, when I knew that it didn’t.

“I guess so. Plus, I met the love of my life.”

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