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“What the fuck?” I asked the guys once she disappeared.

“That’s CindyLou,” Colt said. “It’s like trying to figure out a wild horse. You never know which way she’s going to go.”

“I never in a million years expected this,” Scotty said, his head resting on the back of the sofa. He looked dazed and confused. “That she’d be so upfront and open about the whole idea, and that she’d invite us into her shower.”

It was at that moment when we heard the shower water turn on, and we all took off for the stairs.

“Wait a minute. Wait a minute,” Colt cautioned. “We won’t all fit.”

“Okay, then who gets to be first?” I asked, my dick still hard for her.

“It’s my house. I should go first.” As much as I wanted it to be me, I knew I was going to have to ease into this thing. After all, it had been a long time since I even touched her.

“That’s fine with me,” I told him. “But is there another shower in the house?”

We all kept going up the stairs, getting closer to our ultimate destination.

“Two more. One attached to my bedroom down at the end of the hall, and there’s a guest bathroom off to your left, but the shower in there’s really small, with a curtain instead of a door. But help yourselves to either one. The towels are in the hall closet.”

Colt disappeared through a door to what had to be CindyLou’s bedroom. I headed for the guest bath, after I’d grabbed a towel, and Scotty headed for the other bedroom with a bath at the end of the hall.

I didn’t know what was in store for me tonight, but whatever it was, I knew it would test all the reasons I’d ever had to just walk away. If I walked away after tonight, there would be no looking back… not ever.

CindyLou 15

I turned on the cold water first, and stepped under the shower, trying to sober up. Instead, as soon as the water hit me, for the first few seconds, it felt like liquid fire, burning through my skin. I immediately retreated away from the water, falling into Colt’s arms. He stumbled back and if it wasn’t for the closet door, we would’ve tumbled onto the floor or worse… into the soaking tub.

“Are you purposely trying to kill us or was this an afterthought?” he asked as I felt his naked body up against mine.

“I was trying for a cold shower to sober up,” I told him. “But I think I turned on the hot water instead.”

“It feels like ice-cold to me. Have you ever taken a cold shower before?” We were still pressed up against the closet door. His man parts pressing into my back. If he’d had an erection at any point during this evening, it was completely gone now.

“No. Never in my life.”

“And you’re taking one now because…?”

“Like I said, I hoped it would sober me up.”

And as I spoke the words, he moved around and before I could let out another word, he’d picked me up and we were both standing under the coldest water I’d ever felt.

Of course, I was screaming, or at least I thought I was… but it was more like a laughing, screaming combination.

“Are you sober yet?” he asked as the cold water engulfed us both. “Because this is not what I had in mind when I walked in here.”

He put me down and started fiddling with the knobs. I was so cold I had no interest in sex on any level. I just wanted to get warm again.

When the water started to warm up, I instantly began to relax, and stopped shivering. He held me close, and as he did, his dick finally sprung to attention, thank you very much!

“Are you sober now?” he asked once the water became hot enough to drain the chill out of my body.

“Pretty much, yes. I’ll never do that again,” I told him, still chuckling over the whole episode.

“I feel better, too,” he said, gazing down between us at his now perfectly erect dick.

I couldn’t help myself, I had to hold him, so I reached out and wrapped my hand around his rock-hard cock admiring the girth.

“So much better,” I said, right before I leaned over and took the tip into my mouth, swirling my tongue over the head. Yes, we’d already had sex, but it was dark, and I didn’t get to see anything or taste his thick shaft. This was sooo much better.

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