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“Oh, it’s our pleasure, my darling. You know how much we love having you both around. Are you all settled in at Colt’s place now?”

“Pretty much,” I told her, not really wanting to take the conversation any further. I was still reeling from sex with Scotty, and seriously contemplating that plural relationship that Colt had mentioned. “I’m heading to the local grocers after this to stock up on some of Darci’s favorite foods. Colt doesn’t have much food in his house.”

“I’ll have to stop by Colt’s place one of these days to check out your new living arrangements. You don’t have to always come by and pick up Darci. It’s no problem at all for me to drive her over there,” she offered, and I immediately froze. I really didn’t want her stopping by, especially if my relationship with one or both of these guys heated up.

“I… um… I’d rather pick her up if that’s okay. I’ll have you and uncle over one of these nights for dinner, though.”

“Your uncle is still upset with Colt, so that won’t be happening any time soon, but Daryl can’t stay mad at Colt forever. He’s like a son to us, so his anger isn’t going to stick for long.”

I decided now was the time to ask her about any plural relationships she might know about. For all I knew, Colt might be exaggerating or maybe he misunderstood.

Darci wanted to get down to play with her toys, so I sat her next to her blocks.

“Auntie, I overheard someone last night talking about something called plural relationships here in Sweet Whiskey and over in Cricket. Was I hearing correctly? More than two people living together in a committed relationship? Is that true?”

“It sure is. Most folks around here don’t have a problem with it. Two of the bands or is it three of the bands… I can’t remember. Anyway, Hot Sugar and The Austin Sentry band I know for sure are like that. Although, why any woman would want to live with more than one man is beyond me. I have enough trouble with your uncle, I can’t even imagine cooking for and caring for three or even four men. Then there’s the sex. What the hell that might be like I don’t know, but I suppose the Mormons have been living like that for years, so this is nothing new. Except for maybe more dicks than pussies living under one roof.”

I blushed. I literally blushed at her words. Never had my aunt muttered those words to me before.

“Auntie! I’m shocked. I’ve never…”

She swiped her hand in the air. “Oh sweetheart, we’re both adults. Your uncle might not want me to be this open with you, but now that you’re living with Colt, and he and his two friends are as thick as thieves, anything could happen. Just know, whatever you choose to do is your business and no one else’s… not even your uncle’s or mine.”

“I had no idea you felt this way,” I told her, stunned over her openness about sex, especially sex with multiple partners.

She walked over to me, rubbed my arms, and looked me squarely in the eyes. “This is your life… your one life. You get to live it however you choose. I will always have your back… no matter what… well, as long as you don’t intentionally hurt anyone. Other than that, whatever you do in the privacy of your own house or bedroom, is your business. Not mine, not your uncle’s and certainly not folks who want to make you feel bad about your choices. Now, you sit yourself right down at my table. I made some of the best sour dough waffles you’re ever gonna taste. Darci already scarfed down three squares. And I have fresh strawberries that are as sweet as candy.”

Still stunned by it all, I sat down and waited to be served, trying to absorb this new relationship I’d just formed with my aunt.

Who knew?

EVER SINCE MY talk with my aunt about living with three or four men, I haven’t been able to erase those images from my mind. And not images of the other relationships, but images of me in bed with Colt, Scotty and even Mickey. To say it was a turn on was a total misconception. More like it dominated my every thought, so much so that me and my girly parts had become good friends again.

I got off in the shower before work, in my bed after that shower, while I did the laundry and Darci napped, and just now in the bathroom at Dirty Coyote, before my shift started. And most every time, not only did I rub my clit, and slide my fingers up inside my soaking wet pussy, but I’d also rub and enter that rosebud back entrance with my other hand. The combination sent me up to the stars and back. I’d imagine having two of the three guys inside me at once. A dream I’d probably never fulfill due to my shyness, but in my dreams I’m as bold as Wonder Woman on a stellar day.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked the girl in the bathroom mirror. “Pull yourself together. You have to tell Colt how you honestly feel about a plural relationship, even though you’re scared shitless.”

“Don’t be scared,” Tammy said as she entered the bathroom. “You’re gonna do fine, doll. I have a hunch about you, and my hunches are usually right. You’ve got this audition by the balls. You want to play for me in a few minutes? I have some time. Did you bring your guitar?”

Her questions came at me so fast I felt like they were bullets shredding my cozy little world into more pieces than I could ever put together again.

“Or did you change your mind?” she asked, looking all sad and melancholy.

“Um, now? As in like when we walk out of this bathroom?” I asked, somewhat shocked by the whole thing.

“No time like the present,” she said with a lilt to her voice as if this would be fun.

There I was talking to myself about my, well, my privates, and sharing them with three men and Tammy walks in thinking I’m scared about her audition. If I had to compare the two, I’d say the audition was a walk in the barn as compared to three erect, rather large, thick cocks coming at ne at the same time. It wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t all porn star size, but they were that and more. Couldn’t one of them be normal?


Nothing like that with these three.

But back to Tammy who waited for my answer.

“Um, okay.” The word slipped out and my knees buckled. I had to hold myself up by grabbing hold of the basin counter.

“Oh, doll, you just made my day. Let’s meet on stage in say… ten minutes? We still have a half hour before we open. I’ll have Colt and Scotty finish up prepping your station. Let me just pee real quick like and I’ll grab my guitar from the back. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this.”

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