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I hadn’t anticipated these emotions ripping me apart like this. I’d left her before for a few hours during the day, but never at night. I had to learn how to suck it up, but damn, it was killing me on the inside.

“Let’s hear your song. Maybe that’ll cheer you up.”

Just mentioning my song instantly helped bring my spirits up, but then Scotty had a way of knowing how to put me in a better mood.

“Okay, but just keep in mind that it’s rough. I’ve got lyrics for it as well, but those are rough, too. I only started playing again after Darci was born. Instead of reading to her, I found that she liked it better when I played music and sang. Not that I have a great voice or anything like that, but it’s passable.”

He chuckled. “Now that you’ve more or less berated not only your song, and lyrics, but also your voice, I don’t know what to expect.”

I laughed right along with him. “I guess I did, didn’t I? I’ve been trying to be more positive about my music, but it’s hard when no one else has ever heard it before to give me feedback.”

“Wait! Are you telling me you’re a music virgin? Like I’m the first to hear you sing?”

His analogy kept me laughing. The guy knew how to get me to relax, that was for damn sure.

“Technically, Darci’s the first, but I don’t know if she counts.”

“Okay, let me move my chair in closer for this honor, and this is a true honor. You have my undivided attention, but why me?”

“It’s complicated, but part of me never thought I was ready before. And because you admitted you have stage freight. That’s my problem, only worse. That’s why I’m still a virgin when it comes to singing my music in front of anyone.”

He reached out and took my hand in his for a moment, and a spark of heat raced through me. I’d been attracted to Scotty all day, and now that I knew we shared almost the same fear, I felt even more attracted to him.

“Take a deep breath and slowly let it out,” he said, and I followed his instructions. “Now, pretend you’ve sung your songs to me many times before, and I’m your biggest fan.”

I liked the visual, so I pretended what he said was true, took another deep breath, settled my guitar in my lap, held on, and decided to just go for it.

“Here goes,” I told him and strummed the intro. Then I started in on the lyrics:

You told me I’m your Mrs.

I told you you’re my man.

Now you’re dancing with a sister,

Who don’t know who I am.

I’m sayin’ no, oh no, no, no.

Telling you no, oh no, no, no.

She’s got you talking ‘bout your leaving.

The two of us are done.

But I’ll still be here tomorrow,

When you know you’re gonna run.

I’m saying no, oh no, no no.

Telling you no, oh no, no, no.

So baby, it’s time you know,

I’m done with this cheating show

You can get a new Mrs.

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