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Cheryl sighed. “I’m still sad, though.”

“Please don’t be. Your son’s getting married! This should be such a happy time for you.”

“Oh, it is. I’m over the moon for Noah and Sabrina. But I’m sad for you and Ryder. I really thought you were going to make each other happy.”

That she had thought something similar, even if in brief, ill-advised, fleeting fantasies did not escape Vicky. She chuckled. “Yes, well . . .”

“Whatever happened with the two of you—even if it was all pretend—you’ve been good for him.” She held up a hand as if sensing Vicky’s objection. “Not a good influence. I just mean good for him. So thank you. I know I don’t always understand his choices, but he’s still my boy, and I just want him to be happy. I just want you to be happy, too, baby girl.”

This time Vicky knew she wouldn’t be able to speak without dissolving into tears, so she just threw her arms around this dear, dear woman and let them come anyway.

* * *

In the town car on the way back from seeing Cheryl, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen. She’d been expecting the call.

“Hello, Daddy.”

“Are you okay, Pumpkin?” His voice was gruff on the other end of the line. If she’d thought he was going to gloat, she’d been wrong.

“I guess you saw the news?”

He grunted.

“I’m all right.” She waited for him to tell her she was too good for someone like Ryder and that she was better off without him.

But instead, he just said, “I’m sorry, honey. I know you liked him.”

He didn’t have the whole story by a long shot, but what he said was true enough. “Yeah, I did.”

“His loss.”

She felt tears prick the back of her eyes. She was not going to let herself cry again. “I’m surprised it took you this long to call. I thought I’d hear from you the minute the story hit the blogs.”

He cleared his throat. “Yes, well. Took me a while to get up the courage.”

“Ah.” She grinned.

“I’m sorry, Pumpkin. For everything I said last time we talked. You know I just want you to be happy. Truly. Even if it is with some hooligan.”

She laughed. She could hear the wink in his voice. “Thanks, Daddy.”

“Okay, enough about that. Why don’t you tell me all about what you’ve been working on lately?”

“Well, actually, I’m really excited about this new project I’ve just started . . .”

* * *

A few days later, Vicky stepped through the door of a nondescript coffee shop. Sabrina, seated at a little table in the corner, spotted her immediately.

“Hiiiii,” she said, standing to wrap Vicky in a huge hug. Vicky had deliberately chosen an out of the way spot to try to give them a little privacy, but of course, a few customers were staring.

They both took their seats, leaning in across the table conspiratorially.

“Thanks for meeting me,” Vicky said.

“Of course! I was worried about you, after . . . you know.”

Sabrina truly was such a genuine person. Noah had really found a gem.

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