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Vicky blinked. She stared after her.

What the hell was that?

“In Cheryl’s defense, I don’t think she has the slightest idea how awkward she just made it.” Vicky turned to see Sabrina giving her a tiny quirk of a smile.

They both burst out laughing.

Sabrina wrinkled up her nose. “You want to order some wine?”

Okay, she had to admit, she did kind of like Sabrina.


They laughed again. Sabrina flagged down the waiter, they ordered their drinks and entrées, and then they were alone again.

In the back of her mind, it was nagging at Vicky that she hadn’t been able to tell Cheryl she and Ryder weren’t going to continue seeing each other. Considering how invested his mother seemed to be in their relationship, though, maybe it was better to let it stretch out just a little longer.

Ugh. She didn’t know.

In the meantime, she had more immediate business to attend to.

“Sabrina, I’m . . . I’m so sorry about the scene we caused at your party.”

“Please, I love a little drama. Forget it.” She looked down at her lap. “I should be apologizing to you.”

Vicky’s mouth dropped open. How could she even think that? “For what?”

The other woman looked up, staring incredulously into her eyes. “Um, for ruining your whole relationship.”

“Oh. That.” They both smiled. She supposed it was absurd she’d forgotten it, but . . . “We weren’t right for each other. You didn’t ruin anything.”

Sabrina winced comically. “Really?”

“Really. As a matter of fact, I think you’re really great for him. He needed to loosen up.”

“He is a little uptight, isn’t he?”

“Have you heard the story about how he wore a suit to my eighteenth birthday party . . . at the beach?”

“Oh my God, no!”

“Oh, yes. I’d show you pictures, but I’m pretty sure he deleted and/or burned them all.”

“Aww. That’s adorable. It’s funny, isn’t it? Noah and Ryder are so different. I mean, I haven’t had much chance to get to know Ryder, but he definitely doesn’t strike me as the uptight type.”

Vicky thought of him back at Lincoln Center, trying to convince her to “frolic” in the fountain with her. She smiled.

“That’s for sure.”

Sabrina studied her. “He’s good for you,” she said after a moment. Was he? Maybe he was in a way. “Maybe it’s better if we don’t end up with people too much like us.”

She flashed on Davis. A lot like her. But no, she was sure, the right sort of person—the right person for her. A man like Ryder was fun to be with, there was no denying that. But he was not who she would—or should—end up with.

Sabrina was watching her with a knowing smile on her face. And after everything Cheryl had said—okay, Vicky needed to put a stop to whatever was going on in Sabrina’s adorable blond head.

“Listen, despite what Cheryl may be hoping for Ryder and I aren’t . . . well, we’re not a permanent thing.”

Sabrina shrugged, still smiling. “If you say so. From what Noah says, this is the longest Ryder’s stuck around in ages. You must be doing something right.”

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