Page 48 of Knockout

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Gutierrez looked at him.

Liam clenched down on his back teeth and said nothing.

“I’m glad you’re safe, ma’am,” Gutierrez said. “If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to call 911. The police are here to help you stay safe.”

“Thank you.” She gave an unconvincing smile and left the way she’d come in.

Liam watched her for signs of injury but saw nothing.

“Let’s go, Sarge.” Gutierrez led the way.

Liam didn’t look back. He wasn’t interested in the smirk that would no doubt be on Raphi’s face right now.You win this time.Except all he wanted was to ensure Karina was safe. She’d sounded scared. Now she flipped it back and made it sound like he’d been harassing her?

What was with this woman?

It made no sense to him.

Either she had what she wanted, or they were working together to protect something already in motion that couldn’t be stopped.

Which was it, and how deeply was Karina involved?


Peter drove, so when Roxie’s phone rang, she answered and held it to her ear.

She had been waiting for Destiny to call her back. “Hey, girl. How was your night?”

“That’s it?” Destiny huffed. “How was my night?”

“I’d feel the same way if I spent all evening with Jasper and he stayed over.” Just a little dig and a smile. Peter glanced over, but Roxie would have to explain later that they had a running thing about Destiny and her crush on Jasper that she liked to deny.

“We’re not talking about me!”

Roxie chuckled. “I’m good.”

Peter turned the corner faster than reasonable, so she grabbed the door handle with her free hand and made a face like she was scared for her life. He grinned. “Don’t be a baby.”

“Good? You spent the night at Liam’s,” Destiny wailed. “Did you… Tell me you didn’t! I thought he was a good guy!”

“Destiny, chill.” Roxie glanced at the window. “He slept on the couch.”

Peter said, “Good.”

Destiny, through the phone, echoed the same word.

“I thought you said faith wasn’t about doing the right things.” Why was it such a big deal that they’d adhered to a standard most people in the world couldn’t give two hoots about? Liam was a good guy. What did Destiny expect? Roxie had been out of it, in shock and traumatized. Not to mention the whiplash. Hardly the time to get…romantic.

As if romance had ever ended well for her.

If she did have a relationship again—bigif—she would do it the right way. Proper. After all, it couldn’t possibly hurt to wait, and the outcome might even be better for once in her life.

“Faith isn’t about doing the right thing like you have to measure up,” Destiny said.

Roxie gripped the phone and listened as if her life depended on it—which it might.

“It’s about doing it because you want to. Not out of obligation.”

“Huh.” Roxie figured, on face value, there wasn’t much difference. Then again, maybe it was about intention instead of the outward action. She needed to learn more if she was going to get into it. Everyone around her seemed to be a Christian. It wasn’t something she could avoid anymore. Not when Liam’s Bible had been on his nightstand.

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