Page 7 of Birthday Boy

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I raise my eyebrow. “What?”

Cole scratches the back of his neck and stands. “Let me clean you up, Olivia.”

He hurries to my bathroom, and I take in the perfect globes of his ass before noticing the tree trunk swinging between his legs with every step. I cover my eyes with a groan and turn away. Life is incredibly unfair to give an eighteen-year-old that kind of body and cock.

Cole comes back with a damp washcloth. I watch him silently as he gently cleans the cum leaking from my pussy and our combined mess all around it. The tenderness of his touch and focus twists at my heart.

“Just toss it in the shower and come lay down,” I tell him when he’s done. He flashes me his bright smile, taking a few minutes to clean himself and then moving to lie next to me.

I sigh, moving to rest my head on his chest. “Now, you tell me why this is what you wanted for your birthday.”


“Morning,Mom,”Jensengreetsme like he always does. My knuckles are white as I grip the mug, glancing behind him. The coffee is bitter in my mouth as anxiety riddles my mind and body. I know Jensen will notice any awkward tension between Cole and me.

“Uh. Good morning. I woke up late, so I didn’t have time to cook.”

Jensen shrugs, stretching out before making himself his own cup. “That’s cool. Can we grab something on the way?”

“Yeah, of course. Is Cole almost ready?” I ask, grateful my voice didn’t waver.

“Oh, he didn’t spend the night, but we should probably grab some food for him too,” Jensen says, blowing at the steaming coffee before leaving me in the kitchen alone again.

I want to smack myself for the slight disappointment. This is perfect, and I should be thankful Cole decided to spend the night away from me. After I fucked him in my room, we laid there comfortably for awhile before getting up and grabbing some takeout. Once we ate, Cole went back to school to make it back in time for practice. I expected to see them both afterward, so I hid in my bedroom like a coward.

Now a flicker of annoyance courses through me that it was all for nothing because Cole had avoided the house entirely. After our time together, I’ve felt unsettled, uncertain how to feel or continue as if I didn’t have the most amazing sex in almost a decade.

I change into a soft sweater and jeans and meet Jensen in the car. I’m lost in my thoughts as I drive through our usual breakfast spot, and I don’t spare a glance out the window as I drop him off. If Cole wants to avoid me, I’m going to extend the same small courtesy out of respect.

When I pull out of the parking lot, I decide to focus on the errands I need to complete to get my mind out of its spiral. These are the times I debate getting a job, but after years of staying home it’s hard to give up my free time when I don't need to be there for a paycheck. I manage our money well enough to know I never need one if I don't want one.

I could call one of my friends, but since the majority still have young children, our lives are not always in sync. My husband and I accidentally got pregnant at 18, and while we never regretted keeping Jensen, it definitely put us on a social hiatus from partying with all our friends in college.

Climbing out of the car, I make a mental list of what I need from the grocery store, but my mind goes right back to Cole. I always make sure to add extra amounts to accommodate him, and even pick up some snacks I know he likes. Shaking my head, I scold myself for even thinking about not grabbing them. It would be obvious if I didn’t act normal; the whole point is to act like nothing happened. As soon as I’m in the store, I’m reminded why I started to shop on Saturdays evenings only.

“Olivia! Hey, long time no see!” Greg jogs over from the customer service desk. His long, dark hair is thrown up in a bun. Shadows of days-old scruff are peppered along his jaw. He isn’t a bad-looking man, but he’s pushy and doesn’t get the hint that I’m not interested. The constant need to come up with rejections of his advances makes me uneasy, and I try to avoid him as much as possible.

“Hey,” I give him a tiny wave and try to pull the cart between us and walk toward the other side of the store. Unfortunately, he follows alongside me.

“How are you? I’m glad you stopped by. Trevor said he’s seen you shopping on Saturdays, and I was going to switch shifts next week so we could talk.”

Note to self, I really needed to find a completely different place to shop. Even if I have to drive twice as long to get away from these stalkers.

“Yeah, it’s easier with Jensen in school.” I tell him grimly.

He nods. “He’s eighteen, right? He’s an adult, probably doesn’t like his mom hanging around so much.”

I press my lips together tightly to prevent the snarky comment that almost escapes. He doesn’t notice I haven’t replied when he keeps going.

“So, I was wondering if you were ready for that date,” he chuckles, as if he’s telling some inside joke between us.

I pause. “It’s just been really crazy busy with Jensen’s football and school. You understand, right?”

Greg nods quickly. “Right, right. Of course. Maybe when things settle down.”

I paint a fake smile and then tilt my head towards the entrance. “I think you have a waiting customer.”

His eyes glance over my shoulder and widen. “Shoot. I’ll find you after and we can talk some more.”

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