Page 19 of Birthday Boy

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When I turn to Cole, he’s watching me with a grave expression, wariness swirling in his eyes. I smile and hold out my hand. “We can still take photos. I would like that.”

Cole stares for a moment before grasping my hand and pulling me into his arms. He takes his phone out and holds it out and above us. I rest my head on his chest as I smile up at the device, and Cole smiles back before looking down at me and taking another photo as he presses a soft kiss on my lips.

“Beautiful,” he says when he puts the phone away, but doesn’t let go of me.

I crinkle my nose. “Let’s go, handsome. I promised you a date.”

“Mini golf?” I giggle, not even trying to conceal my excitement as I watch out the window.

Cole smirks. “That okay?”

“Yeah, it’s been a long time.” I don’t want to admit that the last time I went mini-golfing was probably when I was a teenager. He smiles, pulling our entangled hands up to his mouth so he can press a kiss on them. Butterflies flutter in my stomach because it’s also been a long time since I’ve sat in someone else’s car as they drove. Even Jensen prefers to sit in my passenger seat, only occasionally driving himself to school.

“Well, the last time I saw you out to dinner, you looked bored out of your mind. And I never want to see that expression on your face when you’re with me.”

I roll my eyes. “That was more about the company than the destination.”

“Shh, let’s not mention the man you tried to move on from me with. I’m honestly kind of offended you chosethat.”

Trying to swipe at his arm, he chuckles as he parks and hops out. He rushes around the front of the car and pulls open my door.

I still give him a teasing glare. “Look, it was short notice and the first offer. I’m sure I could have gotten better if I tried.”

Cole’s tongue drags along the bottom of his lip, and he presses me against the car. “We’ll never know, will we?”

My pussy clenches at the dark promise unlined in that sentence, and I nod. He kisses my forehead and whispers,“good girl”against my skin. I shudder as he holds my hand and pulls me toward the entrance to the entertainment park.

“So, snacks first, or want to play a round?” he asks as he buys our wristbands. I wrinkle my nose, hating that he is spending money on me when he only worked a barely minimum wage job over the summer and I have more than I could ever spend sitting in the bank, but I’m not sure how Cole feels about that, and I don’t want to wound his pride.

“Definitely snacks,” I grin, glancing at the row of food trucks. It’s been a while since I’ve indulged in treats like that.

He pulls me toward the closest one, and the nostalgia of the teenage summers I spent buying Icees with Jensen’s father hits me. I need to stop thinking about my husband, but it’s hard when that is all I have to compare to.

“What flavor?”

I shrug. “Surprise me?”

Cole smiles. It wavers a bit when his gaze roams over my face. He orders from the truck and moves us to the side to wait for the specialty treats.

“You okay?”

Leaning up, I kiss his cheek and then snuggle into his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me. “It’s kind of my first date, too, you know? The only other person I dated was over two decades ago.”

His head rests on top of mine. “We can leave if you want. I was only thinking about how much I wanted to take you out, I didn’t think about how you would feel.”

“No. No! I want to be here. With you. My thoughts just drift, and I’ve been told I have an expressive face.”

Cole smirks and runs a finger along my temple. “You do. You get this little crinkle right here when you’re about to come and–”

I cover his mouth, giggling. “That’s enough out of you. Go be a gentleman and grab our drinks.”

He steals a kiss before doing what I asked and handing one of the cold cups to me. I sneak a peek at his blue before smelling mine. I sip at the red icy drink, humming as the delicious syrupy cherry flavor explodes in my mouth. “God, I haven’t had one of these in so long.”

Cole smiles. “Let me try it.”

Tilting the straw toward him, he shakes his head before his mouth crushes on mine. His tongue thrusts between my lips, the hotness of it shocking to my coldness from the slushie. I gasp, and he moans, kissing me harder before pulling away. He runs this thumb along his bottom lip before he sucks on the tip, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “Delicious.”

My head falls back as I laugh loudly. I can’t believe the boldness of the man, especially as one who has apparently never dated before. “You are a force to be reckoned with, Cole Peterson.”

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