Page 14 of Birthday Boy

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“Go on a date with me. If you can agree to go out with that loser, then you can agree to go out with me,” he demands tensely. The passionate man from a few seconds ago is gone.

Shaking my head, I walk to the mirror and fix my smeared lipstick and tousled hair. “It’s not the same thing, Cole. We can’t be seen in public.”

“Then we’ll go to a different town. You went out to try to fool yourself about how you feel about me. It’s only fair that I get a chance to enter myself into that competition.”

I sigh. “Life isn’t fair, Cole. Otherwise, my husband wouldn’t have died, and I wouldn’t have fucked the eighteen-year-old friend of my son.”

With a heavy heart, I walk around him and head back to the table. Greg is gone, and I pause at Jensen, eating the pasta Greg had ordered.

“Where did he go?”

He looks up at me with a smirk. “The little pussy ran with his tail tucked before I even got to the serious questions.”

Jensen’s gaze flickers to something behind, and something flashes in them before he turns back to me with a forced smile. “Can’t let this food go to waste. You don’t mind us crashing your date, right?”

I clench my jaw as I sit back into the booth, and Cole takes the chair next to me. “Of course not.”

Jensen nods. “Good. Oh, I ordered you some spaghetti,” he tells Cole.

Keeping my gaze on my food, I didn’t contribute to their conversation as I ate silently. Tonight was an absolute failure, and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to try again. I shouldn’t have agreed to the date with Greg to begin with, it was never good to encourage men like that. And I had a small inkling of worry about whatever was exchanged between him and Jensen.


IwaitedtillJensen’sbreathing was a steady rhythm before I rolled off the cot he had permanently set in his room for me. I quietly stalked down the hall and glanced through Olivia’s open door. Frowning when I saw her room empty, I ventured downstairs toward the small light on into the kitchen.

Her toned legs are visible under the large t-shirt that stops right under her ass. She’s leaning on the counter, her arms braced against it as her head is hung.

“You okay?”

Olivia tilts her face towards me, not surprised in the least to see me.

“What are we doing, Cole?” Her broken whisper pulls at something in my chest, and I wrap my arms around her waist. I press my lips against the neck.

“I don’t know. All I know is that I want you to be mine.”

She turns, resting her hands on my chest. “I don’t think I can ever be yours without hurting Jensen.”

The longing in her eyes makes me want to be reckless, to throw away my childhood friendship for the woman I’m holding. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I don’t see that ever changing.

Instead of answering her, I lean forward and capture her mouth. If all I get is stolen kisses in the middle of the night, then I’ll take them as often as I can.

She moans against my lips, and I bend down, lifting her onto the counter. I step between her legs as her fingers tangle in my hair, and we continue to devour each other’s taste. Olivia pulls back, panting as her hands reach into the waistband of my boxers and wrap around my hard cock. My head tilts back as her tight fist begins to pump me.

“I need you,” she demands.

I push her legs apart further, skimming her thighs with my hands and groaning when I touch her bare pussy. Olivia huffs out a laugh before her hands leave me to pull her shirt off. I lick my lips as her full breasts bounce before her dainty fingers knead at the flesh.

“Put your mouth on them. Nipples are just as sensitive as anything else,” she commands, cupping her mound to pull it up for me. I suck the pointed bud into my mouth as her soft whimper fans across my face. Pushing a finger into her wet pussy, she scoots her hips forward to meet the pumps of my hand.

The slick noise of her leaking all over me as I finger fuck her has me groaning against her soft skin. I suck her nipple harder before turning my attention to the other one. She clenches around my fingers, a quiet moan escaping her throat. I curl my fingers, caressing the bumps she instructed me to find the last time I was buried knuckles deep.

“Shit,” she gasps, her rocking hips picking up speed.

I pull my mouth away, resting my forehead against her as I twist my hand to rub her clit with my thumb.

“Come for me, baby,” I say.

Olivia grunts. “You’re getting too good at that.”.

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