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His words stabbed at me and I jumped to my feet, sloshing hot tea over my wet trousers.



What the...

‘Whoa,’ Damien said, rushing over and taking the drink from my hands. He steadied me with one arm around my shoulders. ‘Shit, poppet, you look like you’re going to puke.’

My world lurched.

Adam had a fiancé, and she was pregnant? Fuck.

‘But we’ve been together for two years. I applied for my Master’s degree in Edinburgh. We were going to get an apartment together...’ A sob stole my words, pain washing over me. Everything had been a lie. All of it.

‘I’ll go,’ I said, as tears breached and ran down my cheeks. ‘Sorry. Shit. I’m so sorry.’

I ducked under Damien’s arm and headed for the door, picking up my sodden coat and cringing as I slid my arms into the cold, wet sleeves.

I needed air.

The room was spinning.

I wrenched open the door and tried to haul my case over the threshold. It was stuffed full of gifts and stupidly expensive lingerie I’d bought to wear for Adam. God, I was such a dumb ass.

‘Hey,’ Damien said, catching me by the arm. ‘You can’t go out in that. It’s getting worse.’

‘It’s okay, I’ll find a taxi.’

‘You won’t,’ Sebastian said behind Damien, leaning against the wall and watching me with nothing but calm despite him finding out his son was a cheating little fuckwad. ‘The roads have been closed off, the snow gates are closed. You can’t get through.’

I sniffed, tears leaking, and felt like the room was closing in.

‘It’ll be okay,’ Damien said, taking my hands in his. ‘Bash has the space. You can stay the night and we can see what’s happening in the morning with the roads. I’ll drive you to the station myself.’

I glanced at Sebastian, who didn’t show an ounce of the warmth that Damien had. He looked... bemused, perhaps.

‘You’re fine with that, aren’t you, Bash?’

‘I suppose.’

Damien rolled his eyes and bent to unzip my boots, smiling up at me through dark lashes. ‘He’s a fucking grumpy bastard, but he’s alright. Let’s get you settled in a room, and I’ll bring you something to eat.’

‘I don’t need you to do that,’ I said as he pulled off one of my boots, my sock squelching against the tiles.

‘It’s no bother, I’d rather you didn’t catch a chill if that’s alright with you. It’s bad enough dealing with one misery-guts,’ he said as I wiped my eyes. ‘Now, away you go. We’ll put you in the room with the bath and you can get yourself warmed up.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, closing the front door. It looked like I had no choice other than to stay in my cheating boyfriend’s house with his grumpy dad and his dad’s best friend. At least Damien seemed nice.

What a mess, Cara.

Such an idiot.


I awoketo the sound of wind whistling against the cottage and dragged myself out of the warm bed. Deep snow caked the world. Outside the window, I could see only the top of fence posts and white dusted trees.

Oh no.

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