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Long night phone calls and short, sweet texts had kept me going in the time since they’d last held me between them, and a nervous excitement skittered through me to finally be on the same landmass as them.

I’d held off telling them when exactly I’d arrive, not wanting them to feel the pressure to come see me if it wasn’t what they wanted. I’d told them it would be sometime that week, and that I’d call them when I was all settled in my apartment.

I wanted nothing more than to hire a car and go seek out Sebastian’s cottage in the wilderness.

Fuck it, that’s exactly what I would do.

Waiting for my bag had me dancing foot to foot with impatience. The queue at the passport checks drove me mad. Every minute that ticked by was one more minute without them.

Was it crazy?


Did I care?

Not one bit.

With a skip in my step, I wheeled my case through the arrivals lounge and toward the car hire counter when a deep Scottish drawl stopped me in my tracks.

‘Where are you running off to, Princess?’

I turned, my eyes widening as Damien and Sebastian closed in on me.

‘You’re here!’

‘Of course we are, Poppet. We’ve waited months for your pretty little arse to get here.’

‘But how did you know which flight I was on?’

‘We didn’t. We’ve been here for every single one that arrived from Canada since Monday.’ Damien grabbed me and swung me up into his arms with a kiss.

‘You’re crazy,’ I laughed as Sebastian encircled us and pulled my mouth to his, his tongue exploring as I sighed.

‘Crazy about you.’

‘I was about to hop in a hire car and come find you all. I’m as addled in the brain as the both of you,’ I said, before grinning at them.

‘There was no way we were missing our girl arriving,’ Sebastian said, his voice gravelly.

‘Am I your girl?’

‘Since the minute you stumbled through my door,’ Sebastian said.

‘Does that mean you both belong to me?’

Damien laughed and ran a thumb over my jawline. ‘You own every fucking breath, Poppet.’


The wintersoon made way with the crunch of red and orange leaves, shortening days and lengthening nights. As days flitted by, I spent the week in Edinburgh studying, making friends and exploring the city. On weekends I’d wake up with my delicious duo in my bed, or travel up to Sebastian’s cottage to wile away the hours there. As the weeks turned to months, Damien had taken up a pretty permanent residence in the cottage, softening Sebastian’s hard edges with a more homely touch.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of all the extra days they had without me. I loved my time at university, but I didn’t want to only be a weekend member of our trio. I missed them too much.

Snow crunched beneath the tires of the taxi as I approached the cottage, lighter than the previous year, thankfully.

Luck would have it that Moira Leigh Grey, once again, drove me from the station to the cottage, chatting away from the front seat.

This time, I was going knowing that my reception would be warm and full of love, rather than trying to piece together something broken.

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