Page 85 of Dark Desires

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‘She did, because she’s twenty-two and has dick on the brain. You’re practically forty and should know better.’

I walked over to the kettle and flicked it on, my head thumping. ‘I know. I can’t help it. She’s wormed her way in and I can’t stay away. I keep trying.’

‘Maybe you should try getting yourself unengaged then,’ Lara said, pushing me out of the way as she loaded the coffee machine instead.

‘I can’t.’

‘You can. You’re just too weak to do it. You can’t have it both ways, and the longer you string her along, the more you’re going to devastate her. I don’t know what you think’s happening, whether it’s just a fling to you, but it’s not just sex for her, no matter what she says. She likes you a lot.’

Guilt ate at me as she finished making two coffees and thrust them into my hand. ‘I don’t want to hurt her.’

‘Lots of people have done horrible things without meaning to, but your intentions don’t override the pain your actions cause. Be a better human.’

Walking back into Valentina’s room left me warring with emotion. Placing the coffees down on the bedside table, I sat down beside her and watched as she slept peacefully. Her hair was silky soft between my fingers as I tucked a strand behind her ear. Lara was right. She deserved better than what I was giving her. I wanted to do better for her. But how? I’d made my bed with one of the biggest crime families in western Europe, and pissing them off would leave me destitute or dead.

I gathered up my t-shirt, pulling it on and finding my belongings. I’d leave her a note and go before hurting her any more.

I opened her nightstand to look for a pen when I spotted an envelope inside, photographs spilling out. Not photographs; screenshots. Taking one out, I saw Valentina splayed wide on the screen, her fingers between her thighs and a look of ecstasy on her face. Over the printed screenshot the word WHORE had been scrawled. Rage filled my blood as I pulled out shot after shot of similar scenes with other similar words written on them. Inspecting the envelope left me with no more clues. It had an address and stamp, which meant whoever sent the images to her both knew her screen persona and where she lived.

‘What are you doing?’ came a small voice behind me.

‘Who sent these?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘You should have told me. I can help. What do you need? Security?’

Valentina sat up and pulled the blanket around her chest. ‘It came while I was at Rosenhall. I’m sure someone is just fucking with me.’

‘How many people know your screen name and website as well as your address?’

‘Just Lara, and you. Well, as far as I know. I guess anyone I know could have found the site. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just some jerk messing with me.’

Pushing the pictures back into the envelope, I put it back in the drawer before pulling Valentina into my lap and kissing her softly.

‘I want to help, baby. I’ll have someone hack in and see if they can track the user who might have sent these.’

‘I’m sure lots of people screenshot.’

‘Yeah, but it’s postmarked to Glasgow. It’s someone local.’

Her eyes widened as I ran my fingers up and down her back. ‘I need to go, sweet Cherry, but I’ll come back in a few days. Would Wednesday work for you? I’ll see if my guys can track down anything about the pictures before then.’

‘There were flowers too, before. I think we kept the card. I’ll get it for you.’

I pulled a card out of my wallet and handed it to her. ‘That’s my driver’s details. If you need to go anywhere, you can call him anytime and he’ll escort you.’

‘I’m sure it’s nothing,’ Valentina said.

‘Being involved with me means I can’t just let it go. It might be someone I’ve pissed off. I just need you to be safe, okay?’

‘Yes.’ Her lips grazed my neck as she nuzzled in. ‘I will, I promise.’

‘Good girl.’



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