Page 30 of Dark Desires

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There he was.

After four days with no sign of him, Logan’s username popped up in my cam room. My fingers hovered over the keys as I decided whether it was a good idea to message him when he’d been pretty clear in his rejection.


I waited for a response, the jumping of the three little dots. Anything.


Look, I’m sorry for how things went down the other night.


Please don’t ignore me.

Anger flushed through me at his continued silence.

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want to talk.

At last, the dots in the chat box danced.

I frowned as his message popped up.

We can’t do this.


You know why. I’m engaged to your cousin.

And she’s shagging another man. Why do you care what she thinks?

It doesn’t matter.

If he wasn’t on the other side of a screen, I’d have gladly socked him one. Such a total pillock.

You want me. I can tell. The things you said, the way you reacted. It was real. Will Nicole give you those things you crave? Will she get on her knees for you, Logan? Will she call you Daddy as she takes--

Listen, V, you’re a good-looking girl, and we had some hot moments, but it would never work. Even if I wasn’t marrying your cousin. You are too young for me.

That’s a crock of shit and you know it. I’m not trying to marry you. I just want to experience the things you whispered about in the dead of night. I’m not asking for you to fall in love with me.

His dots bounced on and off for minutes before he finally messaged me back.

I’m only here to delete this account. It’s done, V. Sorry.

Before I had the chance to reply, his username disappeared without a trace. Gone.

I let out an angry groan as I slapped my laptop shut and threw myself back on the bed. Yet again, Nicole had won. Like she always had. Perfect mafia princess versus the black sheep. It was no contest for a guy like Logan. How could I have thought any different?

* * *

The bridal shop was awash with glitter and tulle and I’d have loved it if I were in any other company. Watching Nicole try on dresses was the furthest thing humanly possible from my idea of fun.

‘Can I go?’ I whispered to my mum as we waited for Nicole to grace us with another perfect dress, which she’d um and ah over before rejecting.

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