Page 26 of Dark Desires

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Couples joined us on the dancefloor mid dance, and I lost sight of Valentina through the throng, only picking up glimpses occasionally as we danced. Then I spotted Hugh beside her, his fingers gripping into her arm as he whispered into her ear. The hairs on my neck stood up as I watched her glare at him and snatch her arm from his. When she walked off, he followed.

He’s her cousin.

It’s probably nothing.

The end of the song seemed to take hours to come. As soon as it did, I kissed Nicole on the cheek before following in the direction Valentina and Hugh had gone.

It was the last thing I should have done.

But I had no choice.

I needed to talk to her.



Holy bloody fucknuggets.

ScotsDaddy38 was Nicole’s fiancé. She’s the fake relationship he told me about.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I watched as Nicole led him to the dancefloor, wrapping herself up in him as she looked every bit smitten for the cameras.

His eyes found me repeatedly as they danced and I couldn’t look away. Finally, I could see his face and unfortunately it was pressed against my cousin’s cheek. His hair was dark and swept back from his eyes with grey beginning to pepper the area near his temples. And his eyes. God his eyes! They’d been that icy grey-blue and full of an intensity that made me want to drop to my knees and worship him right there and then.

My filthy mouthed camera man was going to marry my cousin. And I was fucking furious.

Yet again, life left me with nothing while she got everything. And worst of all, she didn’t even want what she had.

‘Valentina.’ Hugh sidled up beside me as my mother left to grab us drinks. ‘I’d say it’s a pleasure to see you here, but we both know I’d be lying.’

‘Bugger off, Hugh.’

‘Tsk, tsk. You know better than to talk to your superiors like that. While I know you make a living off of that dirty little mouth of yours, there’s no need to be crass here.’

I glowered at my older cousin. ‘I may be a cam girl, but at least I have a purpose. What’s your purpose in your family, Hugh? Nicole inherits everything and takes over the syndicate. Where does that leave you? Begging your sister for handouts for the rest of your life?’

Hugh grabbed my upper arm as I winced, digging his fingers into my skin. ‘Shut your mouth, you dirty little whore. I know my place. Nicole needs me by her side, supporting her with the business. No-one needs you. No-one wants you. Just a stupid little girl with daddy issues who likes to show her cunt to strangers.’

Fury bubbled in my chest as I yanked my arm out of his grip. ‘At least people want to see mine and I don’t have to trick people into touching me. And you think I have daddy issues? My dad died. Yours chose the bottom of a bottle over you.’

It was cruel, but Hugh deserved my ire.

‘You little bitch,’ he whispered as I turned and walked toward the ladies’ room. Anger too often brought tears, and I had no intention of giving him the satisfaction of seeing mine.

I’d almost made it down the corridor and into the ladies’ when a hand grabbed me and slammed me into an alcove.

Hugh glared at me as he forced my back against the wall.

‘You think you can come in here acting like betty big bollocks and get away with it? You are a piece of shit, and the family only tolerates you for your mum’s sake.’

‘Get off of me.’ I kicked out at him, not quite a match for his strength.

‘I wonder how many people in there have found your little website and tossed themselves off to you whoring yourself out? How many of them know exactly what you are hiding beneath this dress?’ Hugh used his other hand to touch my waist, fingering the silky material as he licked at his thin lips. ‘Maybe I should look for myself? It’s only fair.’

‘I’d prefer to be me than you any day.’ I laughed almost manically as I fought his grip. ‘Nicole is going to marry Logan, and he’ll fill that position as the man they need. He’s from a wealthy mafia family, he’s been running his own syndicate, he’s steady and solid and Nicole might not love him yet, but give it time and she’ll see him for who he is. He’ll be the son your step-father always wanted, and then what will you do? Try to beg and scrounge for scraps? At least people want my body. You’ll have nothing to offer anyone.’

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