Page 24 of Dark Desires

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Nicole flitted from group to group as I trailed along behind her, making conversation with the endless sea of people I didn’t know. From family members, to friends and acquaintances, to business associates, our engagement party was proving to be a baptism of fire.

She’d booked the entire swanky city centre hotel for three days, meaning that there was no escape from everyone.

Thank the lord the top floor held two suites so we could give the pretence of sharing our space, but could get away from one another too.

The room was decked out to the nines, dripping with large white florals from every surface. There mustn’t be a single white flower left in the whole of Scotland. It definitely gave the impression that we had sought to create. We wanted people to see our union as powerful, rich, and fruitful. With the massive bill I’d paid, it had certainly needed the rich part. Who knew a party could cost so much? I’d been to plenty in my line of work. My father had loved to throw a party to keep up with the mafia joneses, but I’d never been in on the bill for such a grand affair. It was eye-watering even for me.

‘Oh, yes, we met a few years ago. You know how it is in this scene. Everyone knows everyone.’

I smiled pleasantly as Nicole chatted to an older woman in the most outrageously over the top fringed dress I’d ever seen. Nicole slipped her hand through my arm and looked up at me with a sunny smile.

Hell, she could act.

In public, you’d never have guessed that there was no substance to our engagement. Nicole was the perfect, attentive, sweet fiancée. I tried to match her energy as best I could.

Mr Valetti sidled up beside us and watched his daughter, his brow furrowed until she set her smile on him. It was like the sun had shone on him after being stuck in the shadows.

‘Sweetheart,’ he said as the older woman moved on, leaving the three of us in a little clique. ‘Are you enjoying your party?’

‘It’s perfect. How about you?’ Nicole leaned in and grazed her father’s cheek with a kiss.

‘Mm-hmm. Such fun. Can I borrow your man for a moment?’

‘Of course you can. I need to grab a drink anyway, gasping after all the chatting. We’ll need to have a dance, Logan, before the Tatler photographer goes.’

‘No problem, come grab me when you’re ready.’

Dancing with a beautiful woman should bring me something other than dread, but it felt like I was putting on a performance. Being watched. Judged. It made me feel sick.

‘I’ve been watching you. The way you took over and have managed to not have your syndicate crumble from the upheaval of your father’s death. It’s pretty impressive.’

I stared at my future father-in-law, his tone far changed from the last time I’d seen him.

‘Thanks, I intend to make him proud, Tony.’

‘I always wanted a son. Not that I don’t adore my daughter, but to carry on after I go.’ Hugh turned to watch Nicole as she laughed with another guest.

‘You have Hugh...’ I said.

‘Hugh is... well. It’s not the same. He’s not mine. While I don’t mind him, he’s not the son I wanted. While the syndicate will pass to Nicole, I’m hoping that you will be the perfect match to help her keep it going. She’s a good girl, strong and smart, but I don’t think she has the ruthless streak that she’ll need.’

Watching the way she acted out our ruse so seamlessly had me doubting that.

‘I intend to help support you both with whatever you need for success.’

‘And you won’t hurt her?’

I hesitated as my mind flicked to my sweet Cherry. Marrying one woman while obsessing over another could only bring pain for someone. But I had her permission, and Nicole was into someone else.

‘I’ll do my best by her. You have my word.’

Tony clapped me on the shoulder and nodded. ‘I know you will. You’re a good boy. I can tell.’

I swallowed as another expectation joined the others on my shoulders. What’s one more person to please when I already had a lifetime’s worth of them there?

Grabbing a drink from a passing waiter, I made my way over to where my siblings and their entourages gathered.

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