Page 22 of Dark Desires

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‘Why? Is it how much it costs?’

He laughed and picked up a glass of amber liquid. Whisky most likely. ‘No, it’s not the cost. You’re worth every penny.’

‘So what is it?’

He sighed as I lay down, my face closer to the screen as I yawned.

‘You’re too damn tempting.’

‘I’m a cam girl. I’m supposed to be tempting.’ I gave him a bratty smile.

‘Mmm. But it’s not in my plan to obsess over a woman who’s far too young for me.’

‘What’s in your plan?’

‘Besides world domination?’ he said, sipping his drink. ‘I’m getting married.’

There it was. Of course he was. Why else would he be spending his time, and money, on me?


‘You sound disappointed.’

‘It’s fine. I mean, it’s not unusual for clients to be married or in relationships. I’d say it’s more unusual for them to be single.’ My words came out too quickly, and I took a breath to try to calm myself.

‘Were you hoping for something more, Cherry? To take this out into the real world?’


‘No. It would be far too risky.’

‘So nothing changes. I can still watch you fuck yourself and you can listen to me tell you about all the filthy things I’d like to do with you. It’s safe for both of us.’

I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. ‘Tell me about her. Is she into this?’

His laughter makes me look back at the screen.

‘I wouldn’t know.’

‘You haven’t asked her?’

‘Hell. I haven’t even kissed her.’

‘How can you marry a woman you’ve never kissed?’

‘It’s a business arrangement. It’s not unusual in my line of work.’

My mind shot to my aunt and her husband. In their syndicates, stuff like arranged marriages still happened. Rarely, but more than in the general population.

‘What could be so important in your business that you need to marry someone to get it? Is your business struggling?’

‘No. But it could be better. My dad started it, and he had such high aspirations for it. It’s my job to take over and make it happen.’

‘Do you want to?’ He didn’t sound at all like it was a passion of his. More like a hindrance.

‘I...’ he said before cutting himself off. ‘It’s not always about what you want. Some things are bigger than that.’

‘What does your fiancée think of it?’

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