Page 20 of Dark Desires

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The rain picked up as I whipped the little cart through the course and toward the swanky resort building where we held lifetime memberships. Golf aside, it was a pretty sweet place to hang out. It had a five-star restaurant, multiple bars, a swimming pool and sauna, and top tier masseuses. There were also plenty of other people like us there. People who had money, or fame, or dodgy backgrounds. A place where no-one batted an eye at where your wealth came from as long as you were tipping with fifties. In my twenties, it had been a regular place to pick up women, and the occasional guy, for a night of fun. When my eldest brother died and the torch as the eldest son had passed to me, I’d had no choice but to step up and be the man my father needed me to be. No time left for playing. It was all about pulling up my bootstraps and becoming a fitting heir for my father. I’d expected to have years to figure out how to be like him, but his life had been cut short, too.

Then it was all on me.

The steam clouded around me as I relaxed into a wooden bench in the sauna, my skin coated in droplets of sweat as I closed my eyes and shut out the world.

For all of three minutes before my brothers joined me.

‘I can see your balls, mate,’ Ewen said, launching a towel at my groin.

‘Jealous?’ I pulled my towel over as he laid on the bench across from me while Mac took the one along the rear wall.

‘Nah, I don’t need a monster shlong to please women.’

‘I don’t need it to please them... but they seem to want it bad enough.’ My brothers had joked about the size of my dick enough to give me a complex when I was a teen, but soon enough, I learned that plenty of people loved a man to be packing. I’d rarely had any complaints...

‘Can we stop talking about dick?’ Mac said with a yawn.

‘You must be sick of the sight of yours,’ Ewen said. ‘You and Katie are at it like rabbits.’

‘His security made me wait an hour last week outside the gates.’ My voice cracked in the dry heat as Ewen added more water to the coals and sent a huge cloud of steam hissing into the space.

Mac grinned at me. ‘You don’t want to know what we were doing.’


‘Have you tamed that haughty fiancée of yours yet? Mac asked.

‘I have no interest in taming her. I told you, it’s primarily a business relationship.’

‘Bullshit. She’s hot, and the sole heir to her father’s huge mafia organisation. You need to lock her down properly if you are going to do it.’

Nicole was hot. She looked every bit like she’d walked straight out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue, tall and slender, with a face that men would kill for. But there was just no spark, nothing that made me sit up and pay attention.

‘My kids will take over both the Valetti and the McGowan lines. I’m building them a future that Dad would have been proud of. It’s what he always wanted. The Velettis have the key to that expansion and I’ll do whatever it takes to secure it.’

‘Even being a cuckold to her fucking bodyguard,’ Mac said.

‘That’s all rumours.’ My shoulders tensed at his accusation. It was true, though. I’d be her cuckold to someone, whether or not it was the bodyguard. ‘We have an agreement.’

‘What kind of agreement?’ Ewen asked.

‘We both put on a united front, and make it work as a family for any children. Behind closed doors, we both do whatever we need to, discreetly.’

‘All good and well for the fucking, but what about the other stuff?’ Mac said, sitting up and looking at me with his intense gaze. ‘Who’s going to look after you when you’re sick? Share a takeout with you while you watch a shit film on a Saturday night? Who will make you feel loved?’

I bristled. ‘I don’t need all that.’

‘You’re an idiot.’

‘Just because you’ve got your head lost up your girlfriend’s arse doesn’t mean we all need that.’

‘Talk about Katie like that, and brother or not, I’ll lop your big fat balls off.’

Tension knitted through the air for a minute before Ewen let out a peal of laughter.

‘You bunch of fannies, quit it. If he wants to be successful but miserable, who are we to tell him otherwise? He wouldn’t be the first guy to find his happiness between a mistress’s thighs.’

My mind flashed back to the cam girl. Cherry. As it had tended to in the few days since we’d spoken. My dirty little Cherry. She’d only been mine for the duration of our call, but it had felt almost real while she performed for me.

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