Page 40 of Tobias

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“How the hell did he do that?” asked Tobias. Striker just laughed, shrugging his shoulders. The massive doors opened, and a man and woman stood, waiting.

“We’ll go with you. Just don’t hurt my wife,” said Jason Mackenzie.

“Don’t hurt your wife? That’s fucking hilarious,” said Tobias. “Yet you let those damned animals feast on your own daughter’s flesh.”

“You’re not with Quinn. Who are you? Do you know where Gail is?” asked Virginia.

“You’re fucking right I do,” he growled.

“She needs to come home and finish this. She owes it to her father and me to do this for us!” Tobias stepped forward, his brother attempting to grip his shoulder and failing miserably. He stood in front of the woman, glaring down into her face.

“I have never wanted to punch a woman in the face so badly in all my life,” he said. “You’re a fucking despicable bitch. They nearly killed her and hadn’t even gotten past the first two men. She will never have children. Never.”

“Dear God,” whispered Jason. His wife frowned at him.

“No. No, you don’t get to feel sorry for her when I had to endure the same. Phoebe and Amy as well. We all did it, and she has to do it as well. We have a lifestyle to maintain.”

“As much as I love this banter,” said JB, “I think we should go inside away from prying eyes.”

The wall of men in front of the older couple followed them inside. The home had been staged beautifully for potential sale, and the Mackenzie’s were definitely making the best of their situation. They took their seat on a long, ridiculously patterned sofa and waved to the seats around the room. Most of the men stood, but Striker, JB, Tobias, and Adam sat near and around the Mackenzies. The others blocked the doors and exits.

“How is she?” asked Jason Mackenzie. Tobias folded his arms over his chest, growling at the man.

“She’s fine.”

“We don’t allow dogs on the carpet,” said Virginia, staring at Apollo. “You’re going to need to move him.” Striker smirked at her, shaking his head.

“You tell him that, lady. He’s not fucking moving anywhere.” Virginia Mackenzie stared at the dog, then the man, finally relinquishing her quest for power.

“How could you do that to your children?” asked Tobias. “How could you send her to those men knowing what they would do to her.”

“Please, it’s not like she wasn’t working her way through every single man in Manhattan,” said Virginia.

“Lady, I’m only going to warn you once. You speak of Gail that way again, and I will forget my vow to not harm women and children. Because I will take joy in fucking torturing your ass and chopping you in little pieces.”

“Please, enough of the threats,” said Jason Mackenzie in a tone of exasperation. He seemed like a man who had reached his limits. He definitely appeared older than his years, lines and wrinkles covering his ashen face. “I suspect you know why we had to do it. Quinn owns me and, by proxy, owns my family. We heard that our son and his family were murdered. Did you do that?”

“No. We didn’t kill them, but I suspect Quinn did,” said Adam. Jason nodded, sighing.

“He’s angry that Gail got away. He’s got men out searching for her and now for us. I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t.”

“Now you get a conscience?” said Tobias. “After you destroyed your wife, your children? Now you get a conscience?”

“Don’t judge me. Don’t you dare judge me, young man. I made Quinn millions in those first few years. I had no idea at the time that he had a gambling problem and a spending problem. As fast as he could earn it, he was spending it. When he offered me that job to leave the firm, I had to take it.” He looked at his wife, and suddenly they all knew. She was the one controlling this entire puppet show.

“You sold your children for a lifestyle?” frowned Tiger. She didn’t respond, jutting out her chin. “You knew what Quinn was like. You saw it, you heard about it in your fucking social circles, and yet you still did this. You’re sicker than I thought.”

“Why didn’t you tell Gail what was happening? Everyone else knew. Why not her?” asked Tobias.

“She wouldn’t cooperate,” said Virginia. “She never cooperates. Beauty pageants, talent shows, university choices, hell, husband choices. That child is as stubborn as a bull.”

“Thatchildis a grown woman with a mind of her own. Had you taken the time to get to know her, you’d know that she’s fucking amazing. Brilliant, beautiful, intelligent, kind.” Jason Mackenzie stared at the young man.

“You’re in love with her,” he whispered.

“Love?” screeched Virginia. “Young man, you will be sadly disappointed in my daughter. She doesn’t have the capacity to love, only to fuck!” Jason never attempted to stop the man, knowing he didn’t have the strength.

And that was it. That was the straw that broke Tobias’s back. He slapped Virginia so hard her head snapped back against the sofa. She gripped her cheek, completely in shock by the action.

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