Page 25 of Tobias

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He could see the smirk on the faces of Eric and Nathan, flipping them the bird behind Gail’s back.

“I’m damn glad to hear that, Gail. My future includes you as well. I know it does. We’ll take all the time you need to heal, but after that, the world is ours,” he smiled. She gently wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his rib cage. Tobias was incredibly tall, and she was incredibly short. She chuckled, looking up at him.

“I think I need to buy more high heels,” she grinned.

“Honey, heels, sandals, running shoes. It won’t matter to me. Bending down to kiss you will be a joy.” He placed a soft, sweet kiss on her lips, then turned so they could both see the stars out over the ocean. Couples were walking the boardwalk below, hand-in-hand, some arguing. Some had their dogs out with them. Others were rollerblading or skateboarding.

“T-Tobias? Do you have binoculars?” Nathan raced inside, then back out, handing her the glasses. She held them to her eyes, adjusting the clarity.

“Honey, what do you see?”

“W-William. That man down there is William. That’s the man that took me.”


“Did you find her?” asked William.

“No, sir. She seems to have disappeared. There were no reports at any of the local hospitals of Jane Does or anyone else meeting her description. She didn’t return to the mansion, and the brother had no clue where she was. He said that she was with a guy but didn’t know who he was.”

“She couldn’t have just walked away,” he frowned. “We have to find her and shut her up, or the boss is gonna fucking kill us.”

“The boss won’t kill you. But I will, you fucker,” growled Tobias, charging toward the shocked man.

He moved so quickly the man didn’t have a chance to get out of his way. Gripping his throat, he lifted him off his feet, shoving him into the sand at the edge of the boardwalk. His muscle reached for his weapon, but not before Bull gripped his wrist, snapping it backwards. The weapon dropped to the boardwalk, his bone poking through the flesh at his wrist.

Billy knelt beside Tobias to dig for the man’s wallet. He noticed that his face was turning purple as Tobias gripped tighter and tighter.

“William Burkholdt. Boca Raton.” Billy tapped Tobias’s arm. “You can’t get information out of him if he’s dead. Give him a breath.”

Tobias reluctantly released his hand from the man’s throat. He sputtered and coughed, gagging as he rolled sideways. Turning on his knees, he tried to get up and run, but Tobias pulled back on his ankle, face-planting him in the sand once more.

“Don’t fuck with me. I’m not in the mood.”

“Wh-who are you?” he gagged.

“Me? Oh, I’m the big badass son-of-a-bitch that’s gonna kill you and feed you to the sharks. You hurt someone I care for. Why?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tobias reached for his throat again.

“Try again, asshole. Gail. Why did you hurt her?”

“Hurt her? It was a game. I paid for her, and she was supposed to cooperate. That bitch fought me. Scratched the shit out of my chest.” Tobias doubled his fist and threw the hardest punch he’d ever thrown in his life. They all heard the breaking of the other man’s nose as blood spurted all over his crisp white shirt.

“Who did you pay for her?” He shook his head, the bodyguard crying with his broken wrist cradled at his chest. “I won’t ask again. Who did you pay?”

“Look, it’s all a business deal, okay? Her old man is an investor and money manager, but he doesn’t do his job very well sometimes. He’s so fucking broke it isn’t even funny.”

“What do you mean? They have the mansion here and one in New York.” The man laughed, then sobered when a half-dozen men growled at him.

“Sorry. No, the houses belong to his client. He lets him live there for appearance’s sake, hosts parties, that sort of thing.”

“His client. As in one client?” asked Billy.

“He only has one client. That’s all he’s ever had. Some years, he would make him millions, then the next year, he’d lose millions. That’s how all this started.”

“You need to speed this shit up, boy,” said Bull. “I’m an old man, and I will see you dead before I die.”

“If her old man doesn’t make him money, he uses the wife, daughter-in-law, or daughters to entertain some very high-level, very influential people. They get the entire weekend with the women for a pretty heavy price, and the women have to do whatever they want. This one was the first one who didn’t know the deal.”

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