Page 19 of Tobias

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Your debt is still unpaid. We’ll be back to collect her.

“What the shit?” muttered Wilson. He tapped his earpiece. “Gaspar? We need comms to run financial backgrounds on the entire Mackenzie family. Also, see what they can find out about Jason Mackenzie’s business and how the son was involved.”

“On it,” said Tanner.

“Search everything,” said Eric.

Leaving the bodies as is, they wouldn’t touch them. Later, they would make an anonymous call to the Coast Guard of an abandoned yacht.

The massive yacht had its own office, gourmet kitchen, four bedrooms, and three common rooms. The men wasted no time in gloving up and ripping open cushions, peeling back carpets, and gutting mattresses.

With only one laptop on board, Keith went to work trying to hack into it. It wasn’t any great feat. There was no security when you opened it up. Obviously, Lucas was so confident that no one would come for him he saw no need in securing the laptop.

He connected to the small satellite device, connecting the laptop to the home office in Louisiana. As he scrolled the files and folders, he couldn’t make heads or tails of anything. There were thousands of spreadsheets, which were definitely not his forte. Except one name kept reappearing. Quinn.

“Anything?” asked Tobias, tapping his shoulder.

“I’m not sure. I’m sending everything back home, but look at this. Quinn? Does that mean a company name, or is it a list of investors?”

“I don’t know, brother. We’re going to find out. We’ve got stacks of paper files we’re taking with us, including some strange letters. Let’s go. Comms is making the call now that the yacht is abandoned.”

Keith nodded at his nephew, squeezing his shoulder.

“Do you like her? Is she more than just a case? Gail?”

“I’m not sure, Uncle Keith. We have so much to get through, and I don’t know if she’ll ever recover from what they did to her. I want to try, but what if I can’t do it.”

“Let me ask you something,”he signed. The others were now gathered in the doorway.“When you think about taking her back to Belle Fleur, letting her heal and get right, do you see her staying beyond that? If she decided she was going to get well and leave, how would you feel?”

“I don’t want to talk about this,” he frowned. Wilson chuckled, shaking his head.

“I think that tells us a great deal, Tobias.”

“It doesn’t really tell anyone anything. Even I don’t know what I’m going to do, so how could you know?” They all snickered, shaking their heads. “What? What’s so funny?”

“Oh, Tobias. You’re fucking cooked, and you don’t even know it.”

One by one, they made it topside and to the back of the yacht once again. They loaded into their small boat, turned, and headed back toward Miami. The entire time, they were chuckling at Tobias.

“Stop laughing! You don’t know shit!” Eric just shook his head.

“Oh, brother. We know more than you can possibly imagine.”


“Feeling any better, honey?” asked Kelsey.

Gail was curled up on the sofa, a warm blanket wrapped around her. Cruz had made her some tea and tomato soup, then helped Kelsey change her bandages and check her wounds.

“Not much, but I suppose that’s to be expected,” she said, looking at the other woman. “Can I ask how you ended up on the team?”

“Well, I’m not really on the team, per se. I married a man who is on the team.” Gail just stared at her, waiting for her to continue. Kelsey smiled, taking the seat across from her as Cruz and the others worked on dinner. “My mom, Faith, is married to Ian Shepherd. Ian was the commander of a SEAL team. She had just bought this old mansion in Coronado, California, because she was going to be part of the permanent staff at the naval base.

“Ian didn’t have a permanent residence. That’s another long story, but his commander suggested that he visit Faith, and she might have a room for him. Ian thought she was some old lady,” laughed Kelsey. “Truth is, she is older than Ian, but my mom looks amazing! Anyway, he had been injured, so he needed some help as well. Long story short. He moved in, they became great friends, and then lovers.

“The day my mom was scheduled to start teaching at the base, Ian went back to work as well. She walked into the classroom, and who was sitting there?”

“No!” she gasped, covering her mouth. Cruz smiled at the young woman.

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