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Ada nodded. “I think I do.”

“But what happens in a month, when the contract is up?”

“I hope it’ll be the beginning… of our happily ever after.”

“Really?” Arlo arched his brows. “I thought you hated cheesy movies with happily ever afters.”

“I guess I prefer living them rather than watching them.”

Arlo leaned down so his lips were almost touching hers and said, “Me too.” She leaned into him. All the questions and worry about the future faded away. If he could kiss Ada for the rest of his life, he’d be happy.

He wasn’t going to marry her because of a contract or because his parents wanted him to. This was his decision. Obviously he needed to establish some better boundaries with them, but in this case… their meddling had worked in his favor.

“It’s time!” Francisca burst through the door. “The guests are waiting!”

Arlo lifted Ada’s hand to his lips. “See you soon, Princess Ada.”

Her eyes never left him as he backed away. Reaching the door, he pivoted on his heel and walked confidently into the future.


Ada - 3 months later

Adasetupapicture frame on her vanity. She gazed at the photo of Brooklyn holding her two newborn baby sisters.I miss that girl.She smiled to herself thinking of their time together.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She looked down to see that Maggie was FaceTiming her.

“Hey, Mags! How’s your trip to San Diego going?”

Her best friend appeared on the screen. “Hey! It’s amazing… Just hanging out at the hotel until Chase’s concert tomorrow. How’s your house coming along? What’s it called again?”

“Casinha com Vista.”

“Ooh I love that! I cannot wait to come visit!”

“You need to! The renovations took longer than expected, but I’m so happy with how it turned out.”

After their month at the palace was up, Arlo insisted that they find their own place. He said they needed a space away from royal duties. Luiz was more than happy to sell them Casinha com Vista.

Ada was proud of the way Arlo was taking charge and speaking up for his needs. He had always been good at looking out for others—especially her. But now, he was learning to stand up for himself.

“Give me a tour!” Maggie gushed.

“Well, this is a guest room that I converted into my walk-in closet,” she said as she turned the camera around revealing light pink walls that were visible around shelves of clothing and shoes.

“It’s so you, Ada!”

“Thanks! I still need to finish decorating.”

“What does Arlo think of the pink walls?” Maggie smirked.

“As long as it’s contained to her closet, I love it.” Arlo entered the room and put his arm around Ada.

“Arlo! How’s it going?” Maggie beamed. “Chase, say hi!” She moved the camera so he was in view.

“What’s up man?” Chase said.

Arlo replied, “Not much. When are you guys coming to see us?”

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