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Ada grinned. “I hope you’re right.”

Luiz went over his plan for their introduction. Then, he took the stage.

Arlo inhaled. He felt someone grab his hand. Looking down, he saw Ada standing next to him. With a reassuring nod, she said, “You okay?”

He winked. “I am now.”

Luiz began speaking to the crowd. They heard him say, “Welcome to Hotel Paraíso!” Then he switched to Portuguese.

Arlo translated for Ada. “He’s telling the crowd this is going to be the best New Year’s Eve party ever and to get excited because for the first time, they get to meet the new royal couple of Ilha de Segredos… Okay, it’s our turn.”

Squeezing her hand, he led her onto the stage. The crowd roared. There were people spread across the beach, seeming to be as endless as the ocean.

He waved and Ada followed suit. Leaning down, he kissed her on the cheek.

Luiz handed Arlo a mic. “Thank you everyone! I’m so happy I get to introduce you to my fiancée, Ada. Isn’t she gorgeous?” He held up his hand to give her a spin.

The people cheered.

“We are excited to be getting married here tomorrow. We hope to see you all out and about as we enjoy life on the island… Now, who’s ready to party?!” A catchy beat dropped.

Ada waved and Arlo led her off stage. “You did great.”

She exhaled. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“Have a fun night with Brooklyn. I’ll see you tomorrow—”

“At our wedding,” Ada finished for him.

He grabbed her hand and gave it a soft, slow kiss.

Tilting her head, she smiled. “Happy New Year.”

Brooklyn bounced over. “Are you sure we can’t stay?”

“You trying to ditch out on our girls’ night?” Ada teased. “C’mon girlfriend. You can have Uncle Arlo DJ a party for you and your friends someday.”

“Deal,” Brooklyn said as she held out her hand for him to shake.

“Don’t have too much fun without me.” Arlo waved and put on his headphones. He was suddenly jealous of all the party go-ers who would soon get to enjoy a midnight kiss with their significant other.

How am I supposed to be the carefree life of the party when I’m about to get married temporarily?

Chapter 16

Arlo - New Year’s Day & Wedding Day

Arlostaredathiswhite ceiling. It was past 3 a.m., but he couldn’t sleep.In just a few hours, I’ll be preparing for the wedding and then Ada and I will be married… for one month.His stomach churned.

He must have fallen asleep at some point because his blaring alarm woke him up at nine. Immediately, he texted his dad. “We need to talk.”

Glancing in the mirror, Arlo adjusted his tie. Then, he began pacing back and forth in the library. The wedding ceremony would begin in less than an hour and he still hadn’t been able to see his father.What’s my plan B?

A moment later, the big wooden doors opened and King Paulo walked in. Relief flooded Arlo's body.

His father patted him on the back. "You clean up well, son.”

"Thanks." Arlo motioned for him to sit in one of the armchairs facing a large stone fireplace. “Dad, we need to talk… I can’t marry Ada today.”

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