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“Hello Ada,” Maggie replied coyly. “We have some catching up to do.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Arlo watched her nervously tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “Say hi to Arlo, he’s here too.” Ada turned the camera slightly so he was in view.

“Chase, come say hi.” Maggie waved her husband over. He sat down and waved. Maggie continued. "So… how’s Brazil?”

Ada looked at Arlo before saying, “It’s been nice.”

“And now to the real question: why in the world did TMZ just post pictures of the two of you with the caption, ‘Hot Island Prince Engaged to American Barbie’?! This has to be a joke, right? Or clickbait? I’m freaking out over here!”

“Aw, they called me an American Barbie.” Ada smiled.

“Ada! Focus!” Maggie put the camera closer to her face. “What is going on?”

Ada bit her lip and took in a breath. “It turns out…” She sighed. “A little help here?” She looked at Arlo desperately.

He jumped in. “I’m from a small island near Brazil called Ilha de Segredos. My parents are the king and queen, which makes me a prince.”

Maggie’s eyes went wide as she turned to Chase. “Did you know about this?” He shook his head.

Arlo continued, “Sorry man. It’s a long story. I didn’t know how to tell you, and I didn’t want to be treated any differently.”

Chase replied, “Don’t worry about it.”

Maggie jumped back in. “I’m worried about it! As if that’s not enough, it says you’re engaged! That’s just a crazy rumor, right?”

Ada scrunched her eyebrows and held up the ring.

Maggie gasped, covering her mouth. Slowly, she brought it down revealing a huge smile. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! What?!”

Ada took a deep breath. “Are you sitting because there’s more…”

“I am… What… what else is there?” Maggie appeared out of breath.

“We’re getting married on New Year’s Day.”

“Wha… that’s in two days!” The screen showed a white ceiling, signaling Maggie dropped the phone. When she finally reappeared she mouthed “What?”

Ada nodded. “I know.”

“I love her. I couldn’t wait,” Arlo added with a grin. Although he said it to make their story convincing, he was starting to wonder if it might be true.

Maggie replied, “This is all too much… I mean, I’m happy for you… just surprised… and in shock. How… how did this happen?”

A knock sounded on the door, and a man in a tux entered. “Dinner is ready.”

They nodded.

Ada looked back at the phone. “I’ll fill you in with all the details later, I promise.”

“Okay…” Maggie conceded. Then she added, “Wait! I need proof that all of this is real. Kiss. Right now. And not like a little peck. A good one.”

Ada looked up at Arlo and swallowed. They’d only kissed twice, and those were hardly the acts of two people madly in love.

“If you don’t, I’m… I don’t know, calling the FBI to tell them my friend is being held against her will in a foreign country and forced to marry a rogue prince.”

Ada laughed.

They heard Chase say, “Alright honey, easy. People fall in love quickly all the time in those movies you watch.”

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