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Arlo couldn’t help but grin. Strong and sassy Ada was back. But, he enjoyed raw and real Ada just as much.

“Good night, Ada James,” he said, closing the door.

Chapter 13

Arlo - 2 Days until New Year’s Eve

“So…thisisit.”Arlo felt anxious for Ada to see his childhood home—aka The Palace. It felt grand, ostentatious, over-the-top… because it was. Their driver opened the car door and Arlo allowed Ada to step out first.

“Whoa. Give me the specs on this thing.” Ada’s eyes were almost as big as the chandeliers hanging in every room. “Sorry, is that rude? I’ve just never seen anything like this in person before.”

“Pretty sweet, huh?” Brooklyn chimed. “Grandma gave me a tour yesterday! She said we could have a sleepover and I can choose any one of the twelve bedrooms—except theirs of course.”

“It’s amazing,” Ada murmured as she walked up the opulent stone staircase.

“No sleeping in my room,” Arlo teased.

“Hate to break it to you, but they made your room into a gym. Grandma said it was an easy transition since it was always smelly with all your boy stuff.”

Arlo paused.I should have known…Still it caught him off guard.They really just moved on without me? That’s what I wanted though, wasn’t it?

Brooklyn raced ahead of them. “Guess how many bathrooms there are?”

“Ten? No, fifteen?” Ada guessed.

“Close. Nineteen.”

“Stahhhp. These arched columns and mosaic tile floors are to die for. It’s so beautiful—it’s making me dizzy trying to take it all in.”

Arlo waited for Ada. She was slowly spinning in a circle, mesmerized by every detail.

“I’m glad you like it. This is the indoor courtyard, which leads to the main entrance.”

“Uh huh…”

Arlo held out his arm for her to grasp. He was worried she might run into something while she was distracted by the grandeur.

“Thank you Carlos.” Their driver now opened the monumental glass doors for them, revealing a double staircase, a magnificent crystal chandelier, and more columned arches. One-of-a-kind art decorated the walls and ceilings.

“It’s like a museum,” Ada said, her mouth agape.

Arlo’s stomach knotted. It was his body’s involuntary response when anyone came to the palace for the first time. There was always the nagging fear that they didn’t really like him as much as being associated with the royal family. It was something he never had to worry about when he was just Arlo Silva, the moderately successful DJ.

I don’t think Ada is one to fake anything though,he encouraged himself.

“My mom said to meet them under the covered patio.” Arlo led Ada and Brooklyn to the back of the palace where sliding glass doors opened to the deck and an infinity pool. Beyond the edge of the pool was a manicured green space. Beyond that was the beach which spilled into the stunning ocean.

“You made it!” Francisca and Paulo stood as they approached an outdoor glass table. They kissed each other on the cheek—a greeting that Arlo noticed seemed more natural for Ada today.

“Thank you for coming,” Paulo said with a nod.

A woman in a professional chef uniform appeared.

“Brooklyn, Ana was just telling me that she was going to make churros for us. Would you like to learn how?” Francisca asked.

Brooklyn shrugged. “Sure.” Then followed the chef to the kitchen.

Arlo furrowed his brow at his mother.

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