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“Hey, this way.” Arlo motioned for her to walk back toward him so they could turn down the right path. “I want to show you one of my favorite beaches.”

Ada followed his instructions. “Oh, okay, sure.”

The always confident Ada seemed off-kilter. He watched her hips sway as she walked quickly, a few paces ahead of him. He let her.

Ada stopped abruptly when she reached the end of the boardwalk. The stretch of coast now visible was breathtaking and empty, except for a few kids playing in the ocean a few yards from them.

He pointed to two lounge chairs under the shade of palm trees.

Upon sitting, Arlo said, “I’m not sure if I should be nervous or excited to tell you that there are also churros filled with dulce de leche in the bottom of that bag.”

Ada grinned, pulled out two sugar coated treats and handed one to Arlo. They sat quietly munching away and watching the waves roll in.

Finally, Ada spoke. “So, how does a handsome island prince end up as a DJ in America?”

“Handsome, huh?” Arlo wiggled his eyebrows.

“You’re focusing on the wrong part of that question.”

Leaning back he said, “Well the DJ part is easy to explain. In college I realized I could use my love of music to help people have a good time.”

“And the prince part?”

Arlo sighed. “I hate talking about it because I’m afraid I sound ungrateful. Most people think they would love to be a prince.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “Being royal comes with privilege, but not freedom. If being famous feels like living in a fishbowl, being a part of the royal family on an island feels like… you’re a whale in a cup.”

Ada stared over at him with an understanding nod. The look in her eyes made him want to spill his guts just to hold her gaze longer.

“I’m thankful I had my twin sister, Mariana. Otherwise, I don’t know what I would have done. We didn’t get to see our parents much. They were consumed with royal duties. We couldn’t attend school or hang out with friends. It was lonely.”

“Brooklyn said you left when you were eighteen…”

He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. “My sister and I applied to colleges in the U.S. without my parents knowing. We both got into UCLA and told them we were going—no matter what. They were upset, to say the least. My dad more than my mom.”

“So you went to college and never came back?”

Arlo nodded. “Pretty much. I knew that stepping foot on the island would bring pressure. I didn’t know if I could walk away again, so it was just easier not to come back.”

“Same with your sister?”

“Our junior year, she met Kevin. They eloped a few months later. Had Brooklyn the next year. Mariana was especially adamant about Brooklyn not growing up under the royal microscope. It’s not fair, but the scrutiny she received as a girl was much worse. Mariana was a tomboy. She loved sports and hated dresses. Brooklyn must have inherited her love of fashion from my mom because it definitely wasn’t from my sister.”

Ada was quiet for a moment. “So, why come back now? And why did you need me if your parents are here? Couldn’t they watch Brooklyn?”

“I came back because Luiz asked me to. He was my only real friend growing up. We met because his dad was a palace groundskeeper. Luiz has worked really hard managing hotels and has done well for himself. He’s always been there for me. When he asked if I’d help with the New Year’s Eve party, I knew it must be important. ”

Arlo rubbed his jaw. “As far as my parents watching Brooklyn…royalcommitmentsconsume them. I’m honestly shocked my mom took the day off to spend time with Brooklyn. She never did that with us growing up…” Hearing the disappointment in his own voice, he tried to lighten the mood. “Anyway—”

The sound of photos being snapped made them whip their heads around. “Henrique! Ada! Over here!” A man in jeans and a black zip-up hoodie with a camera up to his face called out to them. “When are you tying the knot?”

“Just ignore him.” Arlo said as he helped Ada stand.

“Wait!” The man grabbed Ada’s arm. “How come there’s no pictures of you two together on social media?”

“Let her go,” Arlo warned.

“Give me a break,” the man chided. “You guys need the paparazzi and you know it. We make you.” Ada tried to tug her arm away, but the man tightened his grip.

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