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Maggie brought the tray over using an oven mitt. “It’s a raspberry cream cheese crescent danish.”

Ada’s eyes went wide and her mouth began to water. “In the shape of a candy cane?”

“Yep!” Maggie beamed.

As a child Ada always dreamed of a Christmas like this—full of love, decorations, activities, baking, and presents—but around the age of twelve she shoved those whimsical wishes in the trash. It was strange to be experiencing it now as a twenty-eight-year-old for the first time. It was an adjustment to say the least.

Ada pushed those depressing thoughts aside. “So, Momma Maggie… What’s our Christmas Eve plan?"

"Well, I thought we could go to a Christmas tree farm that's having a festival. There’s going to be games, hot cocoa, real reindeer, and of course, Santa. I was hoping Brooklyn might like it.”

“So, basically we’re going to the North Pole?” Ada reached for a piece of the candy cane danish.

"Exactly. Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?”

Ada closed her eyes, savoring the gooey raspberry filling. “More than ever before.”

At that moment, the front door swung open. Chase, Arlo, and Brooklyn trudged inside still wearing their winter gear.

“You guys hungry?” Maggie asked, holding up two plates filled with slices of the danish—one in each hand.

“I’m starving,” Arlo said, throwing down his mittens and taking a step toward the kitchen.

“Oh no ya don’t.” Ada stood, blocking his path. “This is too good to share.”

Brooklyn popped her head up, trying to see around her. “It smells amazing.”

As Arlo finished taking off his boots, he narrowed his eyes in Ada’s direction. “That attitude seems like it might get you on the naughty list.”

“Then I guess my name will go right below yours.” Ada steeled herself in position.

Arlo cocked his head. “So, that’s how you’re gonna play it?”

Then, he whispered something in Brooklyn’s ear. Suddenly, he yelled, “One, two, three, GO!”

Arlo and Brooklyn barreled toward Ada. Her eyes darted back and forth between them. She put her arms wide, holding her ground.

When they were just a step away, Arlo reached out, pulling Ada into him. “I got her, grab the food Brooklyn!”

Giggles erupted from Brooklyn who dodged Ada’s attempt to stop her. “Hey, I thought we were besties!” she yelled to Brooklyn, who now held both plates as well as a giddy look.

“Geez, you’re squirmy. You might as well give up. We won.” Arlo was so close to Ada that she felt the chill from his rosy cheeks. His arms were wrapped around her waist with her back toward him.

She turned to face him. “You might have won this battle, but I always win the war. Watch your back.”

Amusement flashed in Arlo’s eyes. “Don’t tempt me. I like a challenge.”

Heat rushed to Ada’s cheeks and elves did a jig in her stomach, but she refused to be the first one to look away.Why does this guy have to be so frustratingly attractive!?

“Are you still talking about baked goods?”

They both looked down to see Brooklyn pointing between them. “Because it’s getting a little weird.”

Everyone burst out laughing. Arlo dropped his arms from Ada’s waist and ruffled his niece's hair. “You’re too cute, Brookie Cookie. Now, give me my piece.”

Ada had to stop herself from becoming the heart-eyes emoji hearing Arlo use a cute nickname for Brooklyn.Get it together Ada.

“You mean, the piece that I just ate?” She held up two empty plates and flashed a mischievous grin.

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