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The phone call saved me from her wrath, or from her answering it though I doubt she was going to. Still, I want to know why she won’t fly. I vaguely remember Gus mentioning something about that being noted in the booking. Flying wasn’t an option. It doesn’t make sense though. I wonder if she flew to Los Angeles and if she did, what changed?

My stomach growls and I glance once more at her. “Are you hungry? I know we’ve only just got on the road, but we left late and I haven’t had lunch. I can grab something really quick.”

I could offer to eat and drive but screw that. Despite her wish to leave the hotel this morning at eight, it didn’t happen. Leighton kept me waiting in the lobby for nearly ninety minutes before I broke down and called her.

Of course, she didn’t pick up, nor did she answer when I finally went up to her room. It turns out, she wasn’t even there. She was getting a blowout in the hotel salon—whatever the hell that is—and didn’t tell me the plans had changed.

When she finally appeared in the lobby at a little after noon, she acted like this was the plan all along. I kept my mouth shut, packed up the car, and hit the road. She’s the client.

Now she wants us in Vail in the blink of an eye. Not gonna happen. Above all things, I need food.

“Not really, but if you want to stop, I could stretch my legs.”

“Great. We passed a food sign. I’ll get off here.”

Soon enough, we’re seated at a table of a small greasy spoon near the highway. I order a burger and fries. Leighton asks for water which she doesn’t even touch. When the food arrives, the waitress is barely gone from the table when Leighton starts to gag.

I stare at her quizzically. “What?”

She turns up her nose like she smells something rotten. “Do you always eat like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like you’ve made it your life’s mission to have a heart attack.”

My head tilts back and I belt out a laugh. Despite her haughty ways, she’s funny even if she doesn’t mean to be.

“Nah. I haven’t eaten this kind of stuff in a while, and I don’t usually eat like this.” The smell of the food makes my mouth water and I dig in.

Quietly, she fixes her gaze on her hands clasped in front of her on the table across from me. It’s strange, yet I have the impression that she refuses to so much as glance at me or the food.

After another bite of the burger, I set it on the plate and wipe my hands. “We need to talk about the schedule. What are you thinking in terms of stops and how long until we’re back in Toronto?”

I’m not a planner. In fact, the opposite. I’d rather take things as they come, but I’m not missing Matt’s restaurant opening for anything. I need to know what Leighton’s got in mind.

While the restaurant opening is a soft launch, that night will kick off the festivities for Claire and Matt’s wedding. As my sister’s best person, I don’t plan on missing anything.

Leighton finally looks at me and arches one dark, perfectly shaped brow. “I’m okay with the stops you mentioned but not at that pace.”

“O-okay.” That still doesn’t answer my question. “I have to be in Toronto by next Thursday afternoon.”

I’m willing to push it to the very last minute if that’s what Leighton wants. She is the client and I want to make her happy, if only for August’s sake. If I have to, I’ll drop her off at her home and take the SUV to the restaurant.

“I’ve already told you, TIFF starts on that Thursday.” Her fingers dance in place on top of the table as if this topic makes her uncomfortable. “I was planning on being there… But maybe I won’t bother.”

“Leighton, I can’t do maybe. I have to be in Toronto by Thursday afternoon. Any time after that is too late. But you’re the client and you can take all the time you want. If it looks like we’re not going to be in Toronto by then, I’ll arrange with ACE for another driver to meet us at some point on the road.”

Right now, I don’t know if this is possible. August most probably doesn’t have another driver to spare, but I’ve got friends. I’ll call in a favor.

“Oh.” She wrinkles her brow. “Why do you have to get back?”

If not for her dejected tone, I’d think she was surprised that I have a life outside of driving her.

“I have a family event that I will not miss.”

“What is it?”

“Nosy much?” I smile to let her know I’m joking, but her gaze remains expectant.

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