Page 43 of Scorch

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I slid over and placed my hand in his, and he helped me out of the car.Tonight, we were going on a real official date, but he’d wanted to bring me here first.I almost wished he hadn’t.I was already feeling inadequate.I’d worn my nicest dress, but I still feared it wasn’t going to fit in with wherever he was taking me.Seeing this house, I was almost positive my dress wouldn’t be enough.

No.I would not do that.I would not let insecurities take root.I wasn’t the kind of person who allowed the world to judge me.Wealth did not make someone better than another.I was a good person, and that was all that mattered.

“Prepare the Cadillac One for this evening,” Garrett told the driver.

I hadn’t met this one yet, and I didn’t know his name, but he reminded me of a Viking.He was massive.

The man nodded and turned to walk away.

Garrett slid his hand to that spot on my back.“Let’s go inside.”

I walked with him, unable to stop looking at things.The flowers were stunning, and the magnolia trees were in bloom, lining the walkway.I couldn’t take it in fast enough.We walked up the steps to the house, and the two massive doors that greeted us were as ornate as the rest of the place.Garrett revealed a hidden keypad and pressed in a code before reaching for the door closest to him.When it opened, he motioned for me to enter.I stepped inside onto the marble floor.

The grandness of it all only solidified what I’d started to realize.Garrett Hughes wasn’t just a millionaire.This man had to have billions.This wasn’t normal.It wasn’t evenLifestyles of the Rich and Famous.It was … more.So much more.

A short, round woman with dark brown eyes and a warm smile walked into the foyer.Her gaze went from Garrett to me.The black dress she wore came to her knees, and a white apron covered the front.

“Fawn, this is Ms.Jimmie.She keeps things running smoothly here,” he said with genuine respect in his voice as he spoke about her.

I liked that.It said a lot about his character.This was the first female employee of his I’d met, and I appreciated the way he treated her as someone important.

I left his side and walked over to her, then held out my hand.“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms.Jimmie,” I said.

Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks dimpled as she placed her hand in mine to shake it.“The pleasure is mine, dear, I assure you.”Then, she let my hand go as she looked around me toward Garrett.“This is a first in all my years.”

“What’s that, Ms.Jimmie?”he asked with amusement in his tone.

She swung her gaze back to mine.“You bringing home a woman with more than a beautiful face.There is goodness in her eyes.True character.It’s about time.”

I wanted to laugh, but I pressed my lips together to keep from doing so.Apparently, I wasn’t the only person on earth not afraid of Garrett Hughes.

“I knew you’d approve,” Garrett replied, not sounding at all angry by her bluntness.

She patted my arm.“Just don’t go running.Be patient with him,” she said in a whisper loud enough for Garrett to hear.

But he said nothing about it.

I nodded and then turned back to Garrett.

“Shall we?”he asked.


“I thought you’d like a tour.”


“Yes!”I exclaimed, not realizing he had planned to let me see it all.

He’d said he needed to change clothes and wanted to bring me to see his home.I hadn’t wanted to hope for a full tour.

“Can I bring you anything?”Ms.Jimmie asked.

Garrett slid his hand around my back.“Champagne and perhaps a tray of snacks to my rooms,” he replied, and then he looked down at me.“Is there anything else you’d like?Wine preference?Soda?Juice?”

I was feeling overwhelmed by the choices.“No, that sounds nice.”

He nodded.

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