Page 17 of Scorch

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“He’s tolerating you out of charity and because he always does this after I suck him off.He thinks he needs to distance us for a few days.This has nothing to do with him wanting you in there,” she said under her breath while holding a smile for anyone watching our interaction.

I opened my mouth to respond,Okay, when the tray in my hands was flipped up, and the scotch spilled all over the front of my dress, then trickled down my legs.I somehow managed to save the glass from falling to the floor by pressing it against my body with the tray.

“You need to be more careful, Fawn.Do you have any idea how expensive that scotch is?You’ll have to work a week to pay back what you just spilled.”She sighed, as if exasperated with me, then walked away.“I’ll go get Mr.Hughes a new drink.You need to clean yourself up and pray you aren’t fired again.”

I just stood there and watched her walk away.My stomach was in knots over the fact that I was going to have to pay for this drink.I fought back tears as I walked back over to the bar and placed the tray and now-empty glass down.

“She’s a fucking bitch,” Felix growled under his breath.“Go get changed.I’ll clean up the floor.”

“You’re not paying for that drink.I saw her do it,” Leo told me.

Yeah, well, that meant very little.Garrett protected Eliana.He didn’t protect me.I wasn’t going to be the one he sided with.I should just quit.Go find another job and get enough money to move us out of this city.The thought that I would be giving up bothered me though.I didn’t like bullies.

“Maybe I should wait until he fires me.No reason for me to go change dresses, then have to change again,” I replied.The defeated sound in my voice was hard to mask.

“Fuck that.If he fires you, I’m walking out too,” Leo stated.

I shook my head.“No, you’re not.This is a great job.I can find another one, and I’ll be fine.”

Felix tossed me a towel.“Dry off, then go get changed.You aren’t letting her have the upper hand.”

I took the towel and started to dry my legs.

When I straightened, Eliana was walking back with an empty tray, smirking.“Mr.Hughes would like to see you,” she said in a singsong voice.

I took a deep breath and handed the towel back to Felix.

“You got this,” Leo told me.“Just bat those eyes at him.He’s a man; it’ll work.”

I tried to smile, but I didn’t have it in me.The short walk back to him made my anxiety worse.Why was I letting him get to me?Why was I letting Eliana get to me?I didn’t have to stay here and take this.If he was mad, fine.They could take my first paycheck and all my tips.Surely, that would cover the cost of the scotch.I wasn’t sure how I would pay the electricity bill, but I’d figure it out.

Garrett’s eyes were locked on me as I entered his space.I waited for him to say something.I had no idea what he’d been told.

“That glass you spilled cost almost three thousand dollars,” he stated.

I winced.“I’m sorry, sir.I’ll pay it back.”

He studied me as he took a drink from the glass Eliana had brought him.“Jealousy isn’t attractive.One would think, at your age, you’d be over the drama and pettiness.”

My hands fisted at my sides so hard that I felt my nails biting into my skin.I was not going to stand here like a child, pleading my case.I was a grown woman.

“I agree, and as much as I appreciate your allowing me to return, I see now that it is best I leave.This isn’t working out.”

My words didn’t seem to affect him in the least.

“If that’s what you wish.”

“It is,” I replied.

“Silas can deduct the cost of the scotch from your check,” he told me.

I nodded, although there would be nothing left of the check once the scotch cost was taken out.No need to point that out though.I just wanted to leave.Get away from all this and move on with my life.

“You may go,” he said, then put the cigar back between his teeth.

I turned and left, fighting back tears the entire time.Leo’s eyes met mine, and he took in my expression, then scowled, setting down the bottle in his hand.I was glad I’d made a few friends here, and I would miss them.It was best I left before they became real attachments.I reached the bar and tried to smile for Leo’s sake.

“I’m leaving,” I told him.

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