Page 15 of Scorch

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If he had punched me in the stomach, it would have been less of a shock.The air left me, and I just stood there, staring.Had he just said that?Was he calling me a club slut?Had I not clarified that already?I had dated Micah.Only Micah.I tried to shake my head, but I couldn’t manage to move.I was floored.He was the one who let Eliana suck him off, yet I was being accused of using sex to get a leg up.

I blinked and finally managed to find my words.

“I’m sorry,” I said, my voice sounding hoarse.“I don’t—” I stopped.What did I say here?If I told him what I wanted to say, then I was going to be fired.For good this time.Did I care?Yes.I needed this job, this money.I wanted to get the hell out of Ocala.

“Yes, you do understand.Now, if you will please send Eliana in here to see me, I am in need of her.”

He was in need of her.Oh my God.This man was a bastard.I hated him.He was calling me a club whore, yet he wanted his own little club whore to come in here to service him.What was this world?Even the biker club wasn’t this insulting.There was a level of respect for women.At least the women who demanded it, like I did.

I nodded, but said nothing more.I knew if I opened my mouth, all the things going through my head would fly out and could end in me telling him what a dick I thought he was.As I walked past two members on one of the blue velvet couches, I stopped to get their empty glasses and ask them what else I could get for them.How I held the smile on my face, I had no idea.Once I reached the bar, Leo was looking at me expectantly.

Eliana walked up then and placed her tray on the bar beside me.I could feel her hateful glare.There was one thing I would not tolerate tonight, and it was letting her know she bothered me.I forced a smile and turned to look at her.

“Mr.Hughes would like to see you now,” I told her as sweetly as I could.

The pleased smile that curled over her red-painted lips made me want to slap it off.I refrained, of course, and turned back to Leo and placed my next drink order.

“I might be a while.Be sure to cover my tables,” Eliana said with a flippant tone as she strutted away, back to do whatever it was Garrett needed from her.

“I did not expect that,” Leo said as he slid the drinks over to me.

“What?”I asked.

Leo nodded his head back to the right corner and that privacy door I’d heard about but never seen was in place.Josephine hadn’t made that up.A sour taste settled in the back of my throat as I turned back to Leo and shrugged.

“Why?Isn’t that something she does often for him?”I sounded as uninterested as I hoped.

Leo nodded.“Yeah, but you’re here, and, well, in case you weren’t aware, you are way hotter than Eliana.”

I disagreed with him, but I was a better person than Eliana.

“Thank you, Leo.But the day I get on my knees for a man like that will never come.I’m not a whore,” I replied.Although I’d been called one by the devil in the back.

Leo grinned.“No, you’re not.You’re also not a bitch.I’m not sure you have any flaws, Fawn Parker.”

He was flirting.Not good.I wasn’t doing the cougar thing anymore.Those days were gone.

I smiled at him and patted his hand.“Trust me, my flaws are there.I just hide them well.It comes with age,” I told him, then took the drinks and headed back to work.



The Harley and the man leaning against it outside my camper was not what I wanted to see today.I groaned in frustration and got out of the car.The past two nights at work had been hell.Although last night, Garrett Hughes hadn’t shown, and Eliana had been there.She had taken every chance she could to talk about the previous night, when she’d been locked away with Garrett.

Knowing that the man had made fun of the way I talked, that he thought I was too old to be a server but was being charitable since I lived in a camper, and considered me barely tolerable had been hard to hear.Leo and Felix had accused Eliana of making that stuff up and come to my defense, saying there wasn’t a man on earth who thought that about me.I knew she wasn’t lying.The fact that she knew I lived in a camper told me that Garrett had told her that about me.I refused to let those two defeat me.I would work my ass off and get the money we needed, then leave them behind.

Micah, on the other hand, was getting on my damn nerves.Why had he come back?Didn’t he have better things to do than drive all the way here from Miami twice in one week?

“Micah, you have got to stop showing up here,” I told him, walking past him on my way to the camper door.

“I wanted to check on you, babe,” he said as he followed me.

I slapped a hand on the closed door, wanting to scream.“I don’t need you to check on me.”

His hand touched my arm, and I flung it off and spun around.

“Listen, Micah, I have had a bad week.I am not in the mood for this.We are done.Over.Finished.We were the moment I heard you getting your cock sucked by Dylan.She wants you.She will put up with your whorish lifestyle.I don’t want to.I want to take this camper and travel up the East Coast with Gypsi.That is what I want!”I was shouting when I finished.

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