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Julia laughed. “Yeah, it’s all right. I get along fairly well with my roommate, but I’m honestly not there that much. I have a friend who has an apartment in town so I’ve been hanging out there a lot.” Her face lit up when she said friend and I couldn’t help myself.

“Friend?” I asked with a teasing voice, raising my eyebrows.

She blushed and opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by her brother approaching us.

“Hello, Cassandra,” Logan said, a faint smile on his lips.

“Hello,” I replied with a quick glance his way before turning back to face Julia. Her lips were pressed firmly shut and her wide eyes screamed at me that this was not the time to discuss boys.

“Oh, Mr. West,” Jessica, Oliver’s teacher called out, pushing out her chest and tucking a side of her short hair behind her ear as she walked toward us. “Can I have just one more minute?”

Logan walked away from us to meet her halfway between the rooms and I scowled, catching the look on the perky strawberry blonde’s face. It was the same one Hilary wore around Caleb. Jessica was a few years older than me, recently divorced with a toddler boy and notorious for being needy when it came to men.

Logan approached her unaffected as she spoke in a hushed voice, a wide grin covering her mouth. Logan’s brows rose at her words, a blush creeping over her cheeks at his reply. I wanted to look away as her hand caressed down his arm, but was too engrossed when she handed him a small piece of paper, giggling under her breath. He turned around as Jessica sauntered back to her class, an extra sway in her walk. I stood there stunned, hoping that paper was not what I thought it was.

Julia didn’t miss the exchange and it was obvious she came to the same conclusion I did. Narrowing her eyes as Logan strolled back over to us, his hands tucked in his trouser pockets, she crossed her arms over her chest.

“What’s that?’ she seethed, gesturing her head to the small paper he was folding in his hands.

He only twisted his lips up into a lopsided grin and tucked it in his jean pocket.

“I swear to God, Logan! If that’s her phone number!” she hissed. I agreed and felt my blood begin to boil as well. Not because he would probably be calling the number, but because it was extremely unprofessional of Jessica. Logan was the new meat in town and damn, these women were flocking to him like flies.

“We’ll discuss it later,” Logan said, his eyes flickering down to Oliver with a hint of irritation.

“Mrs. Clarke?” An older woman with peppered-grey hair approached, a young boy beside her.

“Yes, that’s me but it’s Miss,” I replied smiling. “Come on in.”

“We’ll let you get back to your students,” Julia said, taking Oliver’s hand. “See you around.”

“Bye!” Oliver said, walking away.

“Good-bye and Julia,” she looked back over her shoulder and I continued, “I expect to finish our conversation next time.”

Julia shot me an exaggerated frown shifting her eyes over to Logan, but followed it with a soft nod and subtle smile.

“Conversation?” Logan’s eyebrows rose, intrigued.

“Calm your ego. It has nothing to do with you.” I smirked as I turned away and entered my class to meet my last student.

The first day of school went off without a single issue. The children warmed up to me by lunch and proved to be everything I’d hoped for. One of my favorite perks about teaching kindergarten was having Tuesdays and Thursdays off. It was a luxury and gave me more free time to plan my lessons and work on clearing out the remainder of boxes from my grandparents’ attic that still needed to be sorted.

Logan was still a no-show for my morning jogs, which I didn’t mind. It made them easier and more relaxing. I still couldn’t help staring at his gate as I passed wondering if he was in there watching me. The thought caused a swarm of heat to pool in my stomach. I shook it off, popping in my earbuds, singing along as I took off running.

Friday after school I straightened the stack of graded papers on my desk, wiped down the chalkboard, and pushed in any stray chairs. As the clock struck four, a half hour after the kids had left the building, I grabbed my tote and walked out of my classroom.

As I passed the office, I heard someone call out, “Cassandra.”

I stopped, craning my neck toward the secretary, Mrs. Wilde. She was sitting at her desk inside the opened office door, her hand holding out the phone. “I’m glad I caught you. You have a call.”

A phone call? I tensed, staring at the older women with a heavy feeling of dread settling in. An angry parent maybe? Replaying the past few days, I couldn’t come up with anything I might have done to upset anyone. Stepping into the office with heavy limbs, she handed me the phone receiver.

“Hello, this is Miss Clarke,” I said nervously.


“Logan?” My nerves washed away and I was left feeling relieved but confused. And then it hit me. Did something happen to my house?

“I went into the city for a meeting this morning and have been sitting in gridlock traffic for over two hours,” he explained, irritation in his tone.

“All right and I need to know this why?” I scrunched my brows. Mrs. Wilde leaned in closer to eavesdrop. I turned around walking as far as the cord would allow on the ancient device.

“I’m unable to pick Oliver up and Julia’s not answering her phone. I was hoping you could help me out by taking him with you until I get back.”’

I stilled my posture. He wanted me to take Oliver and watch him? I honestly didn’t mind but I was taken aback he was asking me. I barely knew the man.

“Don’t you have a nanny?” I asked.

“No, I don’t trust strangers with my son.”

“Well Logan, you might have failed to notice but I am technically a stranger.” I chuckled once.

“Logan? Is that Logan West by any chance?” a voice asked from behind me. I turned to see Jessica walking in with Oliver at her side.

With a smile directed at Oliver, I tightened the received to my ear. God forbid Logan say something lurid and be heard by his son.

“Cassandra, please. I have no one else to ask.” His voice was warm and soft, catching me off guard and leaving me no other choice but to agree.

I nodded and her face lit up.

“Go have a seat in the hall chair, Oliver. I need to talk to your father a moment.”

Jessica held out her hand for the phone, which I instantly handed over greeting Oliver with a smile and small wave as he walked out.

“Logan! Hi, is everything all right?” Jessica asked enthusiastically through the phone. “Oh, that’s terrible. I hate traffic. People need to learn to drive.” Her face went through about a dozen reactions as she listened before finally giggling.

I rolled my eyes, taking a deep annoyed breath stepping to the door, and poking my head outside. Oliver was sitting in the short row of yellow plastic chairs, his small feet dangling down kicking the air.

“Why don’t I take Oliver back to my place? My son is with the babysitter there and would love to play with him. I could make us a nice dinner for when you get back,” Jessica said, a giant grin plastered on her freckled face. But whatever Logan’s reply was caused her expression to slowly drop away. “Uh-huh. Oh, all right.” Her head whipped around staring at me with narrowed eyes.
