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“Physically? Fine. Emotionally? A wreck.”

He nodded. “I guess your talk didn’t go well?”

“No, it was fine. But you didn’t text me back, and I’ve been worried you were upset.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

“There’s no need for you to apologize. I’m sorry Robert showed up unannounced, and that I had to cancel our lunch.”

Owen raked a hand through his hair. “I couldn’t stop thinking that this is how it might be. If Robert is the father, you’ll be spending lots of time with him. It would be inevitable.” He shook his head. “I know it was my idea to live in the moment, but I couldn’t stop myself from picturing it. I just needed some time.”

“Of course. I don’t blame you. Who wouldn’t need some processing time?”

Owen went quiet for a minute. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

“What did you feel when you saw him?” he finally asked.


“No, I mean your feelings.” He tapped his chest. “In here.”

I thought about it. “Honestly, I think I was more worried about what you would think than anything.”

“Do you love him?”

“I care about him. And maybe I do love him in some form. We have a lot of history together. But I don’t know that I love him like you’re asking me, like a woman loves a man she wants to be with.”

Owen swallowed. He looked across to the living room to the pile of wrapped gifts. “I can’t compete with that guy. He’s famous and rich. I do pretty well, but he’d be able to give you a very different life.”

“I don’t need you to compete. And I don’t need anyone to give me any certain type of life. I can take care of myself.”

He looked up into my eyes. “Then what do you need from me, Devyn?”

“I just needyouto beyou.”

Owen closed his eyes. When he opened them, he extended his hand. “Then come here. Because me being me really needs to kiss the shit out of you. I’ve been jealous all day, and I want to feel like you’re only mine for a little while.”



That weekend, Holden and Lala’s wedding was just the escape Devyn and I needed. With our attention focused on the happy couple, we were able to forget about our worries, for one day, at least.

The ceremony at St. Sebastian’s church was the perfect length, not too long, and the reception followed at Club Noir downtown. Holden knew the owner and was able to rent the entire space. It felt more like a night out than a formal affair. There were candles everywhere in the dimly lit space and a giant disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The dance floor was the centerpiece, and Holden’s band was scheduled to play a couple of sets later, although there was a DJ to start the evening. The vibe was allvery Holden.

He’d done a damn good job planning all the details—even the flowers, which he swore Lala had nothing to do with. I’d have to tease him more about that sometime. Lala looked beautiful in a lace, strapless gown with a black sash around her waist. Her curly hair was pulled back into a loose bun with some pieces framing her face.

One traditional thing, perhaps, was a long head table draped in a black tablecloth and adorned with candles and roses in different shades of red. When I spotted the empty chair next to Holden’s, I nearly lost it. That’s where Ryan would’ve been sitting, and I knew in my heart he was with us in spirit.

I’d been tough on Holden when he started pursuing Lala, skeptical of his intentions. Lala was like a little sister to me, and I’d felt like I had to protect her the way Ryan would’ve. Holden had a reputation, and I’d had a hard time separating that from his genuine feelings for her. But I could see now that my worry wasn’t necessary. The more times I saw how much Holden cared for Lala, the more I learned to trust his intentions. And now, I couldn’t imagine any other outcome than this one.

Ryan’s chair wasn’t the only thing making me emotional today. Having Devyn by my side as I watched one of my best friends get married meant a lot. More than anything, though, I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that she could be carrying my child. Every few minutes, that thought would cross my mind. And then Robert and his fucking gifts and flowers would infiltrate my brain and ruin it.

Devyn was in a particularly good mood tonight, with a light in her eyes that was rare lately. It felt like she’d let go of all of the uncertainties, even if only for a day. She looked gorgeous in a sleeveless black dress and red heels, her hair done half-up, half-down. She wore a thin string of pearls, understated but incredibly sexy.

Colby cleared his throat and tapped the mic, pulling everyone’s attention to the stage, where he was readying to give his best-man speech.

“Is this thing turned on?” He smirked. “Of course, it’s turned on, like everyone else in Holden’s vicinity.” He laughed. “It has a boner for the sexy drummer boy.”

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