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“I am. You know, wine for breakfast isn’t really that weird. People eat grapes in the morning, don’t they?”

I dried my hands and flipped the now-empty pregnancy test box over. My eyes widened.Results in as little as three minutes.“Holy crap. This thing only takes three minutes.”

“How long did you want it to take?”

“I don’t know. A year or two might be nice.” I glanced over at the stick, but I couldn’t look. In fact, I needed to get the hell out of this bathroom. “Can you tell me when three minutes is up? I can’t sit waiting.”

“You got it.”

“Thanks.” I walked back into the kitchen and leaned a hip against the counter. “Tell me about the last date you had. I need a distraction.”

“Oh…it was a doozy. His name was Alan. First red flag was he asked me if I could drive. I don’t mind meeting people at a restaurant, but this dude wanted me to pick him up. He said his car was in the shop. So I did it. I picked his ass up. As soon as he gets in the passenger seat, he tells me he needs to make two quick stops. I agree, even though I think it’s a little weird. The first stop was anursing home. He made me go in with him to visit his grandmother. The poor woman was sleeping when we walked in, but he woke her up to introduce me. We stayed about fifteen minutes. He then asked if we could do the second stop after we went to dinner. I said fine. He’d picked the restaurant—some cheap, hole-in-the-wall place. Dinner was boring—hewas boring, so I couldn’t wait for the evening to end. I’d forgotten all about the second stop until he reminded me when we got back in the car. He said it was only a few blocks away and gave me directions…to the fucking supermarket. I wasn’t about to walk up and down the aisles in my heels, plus I was annoyed, so I told him I’d wait in the car.A half hour later, the guy strolls out withfive bags of groceries. My date spent less on the cheap restaurant dinner than an Uber would have cost him to run all his errands. In hindsight, I don’t even think the weirdo had a car in the shop!”

I laughed. “Only you, Mia.”

“Well, we can’t all be like you with a gorgeous real-estate tycoon chasing us around.”

“Owen isn’t chasing me around anymore.”

“Really? How come?”

“Because you don’t need to chase when a woman practically jumps your bones.”

“What?You two are together? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s only been a few days and, honestly, we’re taking it one day at a time.”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Oh my God.” I covered my heart with my hand. “Is that the alarm? It’s been three minutes already?”

“Yeparoo. So get your heinie in that bathroom. Because I’m already pouring my second glass of wine.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled before walking back down the hall to the bathroom. Stepping inside, I closed my eyes for ten seconds and said a little prayer before looking down. Then…

Holy shit.

The room started to sway. I had to grab the towel bar because I felt that lightheaded.

“Mia…” My voice trembled. “Please tell me two pink lines means negative.”

“Two, not one?”

There wasn’t even one dark one and one faint one. They were both bright pink.

“There are two dark lines, Mia.”

“Oh shit. Well, I guess taking it one day at a time with Owen just got fast tracked. You’re about to plan nine months out.”


My phone chimed with a new text from Owen. He was starting to grow impatient.

It had been six days since I saw him, three since I found out I was pregnant. But I couldn’t bring myself to face him, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide how much I was freaking out. I needed to see a doctor first. You know, to confirm that thefourtests I’d now taken were all wrong. It was possible, right?

Owen: Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling today?

I felt awful about lying to him. The sweet guy had left chicken soup at my door yesterday when I said I wasn’t feeling well. But mybusy with workexcuse had worn thin. It’s difficult to say you can’t carve a half hour out of your day when you’re the boss, especially since Owen and I lived in the same building and he could be at my door with two minutes’ notice.

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